KartPulse Podcast: Episode 10 - Trey Shannon: "It's a normal human emotion"

In this episode, Davin talks to Trey Shannon, two time karting world-record holder and personal trainer with another ‘Drinks with Karters’.

We talk about Trey’s world records, what it’s like racing for 24 hours in a kart, what foods people need to take to the track and exercises would help karters the most.

Drinks consumed ~important stuff~

  • Trey had a Vienna Lager from Devil’s Backbone
  • Davin had a Crabbies Raspberry Ginger Beer.

Reference Links
Tourette Syndrome Association
Ekarting News - Trey’s setting a world record

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Great episode. Trey, you’re the man! Can’t wait to see what brews you have for me when I come to Mooresville…

Also, good point on the part about feeling good about finishing 13th or having a good race personally, even if you didn’t win. I feel exactly the same. My emotions after a race are usually based on how well I performed individually. If I finished 7th, but I won every battle I was involved in, then I’m usually stoked. If I finish 7th, but it was because I got bounced around and none of my passes stuck and I made mistakes, then I’m usually pretty unhappy. It’s all about doing the best you can do and feeling good when you compete at your maximum, even if it isn’t for a win.


Really enjoyed this one! Interesting and funny. :brap: :thumbsup:

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cheers @Trey_Shannon is popular! :wink:

Please keep the podcasts coming, very enjoyable


Thanks @racer474
Don’t forget to share with your karting buddies on facebook etc if you haven’t already!

Nice podcast, keep them coming… I throw in several bags of MRE’s in the trailer because I too suck at bringing food, now I always have something to eat, and it sticks to your ribs!


Glad you enjoyed it @Quincy_Smith!

(does the dance of happy-gratification) lol

We’ve moved the KartPulse podcast hosting from soundcloud to spreaker and in the process did a little work on the audio. Nothing fancy, but noticed the audio levels were not consistent (Guest loud, host quiet or opposite) I made some corrections (Audio compression) to them.

Of course it’s available in your podcast player of choice too! Despite being recorded a couple of years ago, most of the discussions are pretty evergreen and still relevant.