KartPulse Podcast Episode 7: Roger Caddell and Data Acquisition

Roger Caddell talks about his background with data acquisition in motorsport, as the National Training Manager of AIM Sports LLC.

We talk about how racers can become more comfortable with understanding data acquisition, and some insights on how data can be used as a tool to improve, rather than a ‘lie detector’

Key Links -
AIM Sports Data Analysis Training Courses (YouTube) - https://goo.gl/ugDxQY

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We’ve moved the KartPulse podcast hosting from soundcloud to spreaker and in the process did a little work on the audio. Nothing fancy, but noticed the audio levels were not consistent (Guest loud, host quiet or opposite) I made some corrections (Audio compression) to them.

Of course it’s available in your podcast player of choice too! Despite being recorded a couple of years ago, most of the discussions are pretty evergreen and still relevant.