Kremers and Ricciardo Goofing around in KZ Karts

I think Alonso, Russel, Schumacher, Gasly, Vettel and Sainz would be there too.

Yeah, thats a shame that they had a seperate race for the top karters .

Cause everybody know the images of F1 drivers driving the karts, but the real stars from karting at that time, haven’t seen any images from that.

I kind of have trouble watching the big euro events unless I know a racer. It’s just that while I appreciate their races and all, I’m just not feeling invested in pro euro karting. It’s not relevant to my lifestyle, I will never run a euro championship.

USA stuff, I enjoy, though. Nats and the other big ones. I like seeing Norberg, Jarsocrak and all the other greats duke it out on tracks that I will race on someday. Heck, I probably will even meet some of them (already have in fact) just through doing what we do. It’s a small enough world.

I guess that’s the main difference for me. It’s hard to get excited about euro championship stuff since I know nothing about the participants, don’t have experience on those tracks, etc.

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I’ll never drive a F1 car or drive those tracks, but I still like to watch. Likewise, if I can find a Euro kart race, I’ll watch. I often find them on YT, which isn’t live, but still enjoyable.

Yeah I understand this. It’s why the big series invest so heavily in the ‘narrative’. I think IndyCar invests a little too much because the series itself is a little random at times and a natural championship battles doesn’t really form. Spec-racing can be like this where one minute a driver qualifies at the front then is suddenly mid-pack the next race. The championship contenders rarely find themselves battling each other on track in any meaningful capacity (like Lewis Vs Max). It’s why I always suggest a grid of ‘equal’ cars isn’t always what you want from a viewers perspective. Karting can be like this too. It’s hugely complete to get ‘right’ if you’re as promoter.

But in Europe almost zero is invested is actual promotion. To be honest I don’t know why the FIA even bother with a live stream.

Alpha Live int he UK are putting in effort with the British Championships doing pre and post race shows. But you need the force of personality to emanate from the drivers to make those things work so it can be an uphill battle. The lads in KZ in the UK seems pretty cool though so it is getting there.

Yeah the narrative matters and f1 is a good example. I get most of my f1 pleasure from the Buxron jibber jabber and I am a big fan of McClarens “Unboxed”. I find the backstory and the personalities more interesting than the actual racing.