KZ Dyno Figures

Just curious to know what peoples kz motors make on the dyno.

My R2 came back with 49.8bhp, Is this a good output?

What did your motor make?

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Every dyno is going to read differently so it’s very difficult to compare.


Allmost 50hp does sound a bit on the high side

This is only relevant within the context of that dyno. If I were in your shoes I would ask the operator how it compares to other engines that were ran on that dyno with the proper correction factor. Also if any development was done on your engine, a before and after would be of interest.

Also, peak power doesn’t tell the whole story.


Sounds about right to me. Good KZ should be around 50hp from what I know, for quite a few years now. KZ designers for the last 10 years haven’t seemed to up the peak horsepower much, but have worked on broadening the power band and have kept the peak numbers about the same.


My type of thread :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’ve seen dyno’s output 55hp from R2s.

As TJ and others have said, the only thing that matters is the relative number vs other engines ran on that dyno. Comparing numbers across different measurement tools is pointless.

Nonetheless (here goes the can of worms) , I do believe factory engines are capable of extracting “true” 53hp at peak.


“how” the power is delivered is also an interesting factor, I recall Drudi was talking about it in an interview, about how every time top drivers could pick, they never picked the top HP engine version. Like others said, manufacturers are trading off one thing for another, not sure how much more hp can be squeezed efficiently beyond the 50hp mark, considering an Aprilia RSA, developed with virtually no engineering limitations, had about 54hp if I recall correctly. Getting close to that with a 30mm carb and all the other regulation limits and still having a decent operating window is quite impressive


Its on a SRP dyno with a SRP tuned engine. I was speaking to the driver and he said it was a good motor and all there engines are very similar.

I haven’t actually ran it yet myself, but will do in the next 2 months. Just too busy workwise.

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IMO driveability is where the KZ really had the upper hand compared to moto. With the bigger carb, on the moto stuff the transition response just was not as good. In the case of the mod motos the compression braking was significant, at least with the ones I tried.

The KZ with the 30mm is simply chef’s kiss…

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I think where we have gotten really good (which coincidently yields higher output) in recent time is the minimization of parasitic losses in the driveline due to technological advancements in material treatment.

There’s also been some pretty good dev in terms of inner fluid dynamics at various operating ranges , and how that influences exhaust design.

Finally, keep in mind factories have access to parts that none of us will ever get. Of course, this does not mean that it’s impossible to be on par with them on track (it’s been proven by privateers such as the Pex), but it does take a lot of work.