LO206 effect of float height vs needle position?

As I understand it, both affect the ratio of fuel vs air. Is there a conversion function between them? e.g. each needle position is equivalent to 0.010 float height?

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Pretty well sums up carb tuning! Voodoo and black magic!

There are no tables, no charts, no go-bys. Every carb and engine behaves a little different. Sooo….testing and data gathering is all you have to work with. The thing is, no two days are the same conditions and no two tracks are the same elevation, so the air isn’t ever exactly the same.

I set my float and never touched it again for tuning. I would adjust the needle only based on weather at the track. With our series we would see air density altitudes from as low at 500 ft below see level (New Orleans or Houston on a cool dry high pressure day) to 6500 above sea level (Amarillo on a very hot, and unusually damp low pressure day). It’s a hopped up lawn mower engine!!! That 0.1 HP isnt worth the chase.