LO206 Torque Reference - Clutch to Crank

Greeting all

I’ve only found a list of torque specs on the Briggs Racing site, however that does not list the clutch to crank bolt. I’m using a Hilliard Inferno Flame and as said, other than “tighten to recommended” I can’t see it anywhere!

On the clutch, I need to run it without the two small, thin shim washers mentioned in the instructions to avoid the bearing outer sleeve hanging out quite a bit from the crank end. Is this detrimental to the function or reliability of the clutch?

Thank you.

20 ft/ lbs. you can check specs based on the fastener. The clutch bolt is 5/16 - 24 and you should be using a grade 8 bolts.

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Thank you Brian. Much appreciated.

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