Look what I did today, Engine FUBAR

We always name all our engines. My other good Yamaha back in the day was “Yen” because it was “like money” according to the builder. I had an HPV that got ran over and was missing half of its cooling fins, but I can’t remember what we called that one…

One year the team fleet of Leopards was named after Ninja Turtles. I think I had “Leonardo”. One year did we Michael Jackson songs. My best Leopard was “PYT”. “Dirty Diana” got blown up at New Castle I think and “Thriller” was the team’s house engine.

I think we are calling my current KA “Bitsy” because it has a few of the salvageable ‘bits’ off my other KA that met an untimely demise…


Just sent the engine to IAME, should be there tomorrow. Will let you all know what they conclude.



I know it’s been a couple weeks. In contact with IAME. They are backed up in the warehouse. Should be able to take a look at it by the end of the week. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:.



Figured some of you are wondering what’s happening. Just heard back from IAME. Turns out they sent it to IAME Italy, hope to hear back by middle of next week.

Next Wednesday will be one month since I sent the engine in, talk about a backlog!

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The shipping costs for this conundrum seem staggering.

Only paid to have it shipped to North Carolina. IAME footed the bill to have it shipped to Italy which I appreciate.


Just got this response!

“In the final steps of this process. Just waiting to hear back from IAME in Italy on what they can do for compensation”.

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You bought a new motor already though correct?

Yes. 20 Characterssss

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I just heard back from Iame. They concluded it was most likely a catastrophic piston failure, (Shoutout to those who guessed it). Brandon Jones was extremely helpful and even he was surprised this happened. They gave me a few options and I would really appreciate your help.

  1. Ship the parts to me and I will find someone to assemble it (Parts meaning head, rod, case, con rod etc)

  2. Ship the parts to a builder AKA Comet or Allison and have them build and tune the engine for about 700-1000

  3. was the option to send in the working parts I had from the bust engine (Carb, Coil, ETC) and have them put it on a new engine (this won’t really work as I got a new engine BUT I still have all the old stuff from the bust engine that I could send to have them put on).

There was one more option but I literally blanked out as I wrote this, So frustrating.

What would be your choice? keep in mind I got a new engine but I have pretty much everything external from the old engine that didn’t break. They also will Only Provide the parts that got destroyed, so basically a bone engine with no externals, not a problem at all and completely fair, just wanted to share to give insight and maybe fuel a decision.

Thank you very much for all your help.

I’d go option 3. You’d get brand new major components that matter and wear. The carb, coil, misc are just fine to run for multiple engine lifetimes.


X2 on option 3. You’d have a spare motor and/or could sell the replacement long block and recover some of the money you already spent replacing the original.

If I understand you correctly in option 3 they want you to send the parts you kept (coil, carb, etc) to IAME so they can assemble it, then send you a complete motor? I would guess this is probably your best option. In option 1 it puts the burden on you or at your expense as does option 2.

I can understand being frustrated but honestly, I am surprised and pleased they are standing behind it for you. I would have guessed they could have easily said it was not their fault or responsibility. That would be more frustrating for sure.

No, not frustrated what so ever, I was fully expecting no compensation, very pleased with the whole experience (as much as I could be). Iame has definitely proved to be an excellent engine builder and their communication was great.

Think option 3 is what I’m going to go with.