I saw on Facebook Modena has a new model KZ the KK3 which appears to be a pretty big change from the KK1 and KK2. It no longer has the heavily laid back cylinder and actually appears to have a slight forward lean now. Might not have the separated gear oil anymore between the primary reduction and the gearbox, can’t tell for certain. Does raise the question of how there is a new model outside of a homologation year? They just re-homologated the KK2 last year. @Simone_Perego any insight?
2023-2025 is the next homologation period for engines. Just like OK-N is currently being homologated for that period, I’m sure Modena got the KK3 in as well.
It’s definitely a new homologation period for engines. Just last week, TM posted a quick preview of their new TM KZ-R2 motor:
As both other posters said, we have just finished all Homol. inspections for the 2023 - 2025 period, for engines, carbs, ignitions and inlet silencers. We are currently delivering the homologation fiche to all manufacturers, to be done by Dec 1st.
All new homologations become “legal” on the 1st of Jan 23
Gotcha, I guess it’s just because COVID that the years got all out of wack. Didn’t think we were due for engine homologation already. In years past I recall being able to see a list of stuff being homologated before it was final, but haven’t seen that in recent years.
Definitely interesting to see Modena change so much however, makes me wonder if they’re going for a broader “TM like” power compared to the peaky high output power like in previous years. Wonder if Vortex has two KZ homologations again?
That’s correct, COVID threw the timeline for all karting-related homologations completely out of wack.
We are on three years cycles for all products, and COVID bassicaly made us extend everything by one year. This would have been fine per se, but it completely un-synched the calendar, as the starting year of homol. for some products was not the same for others (tbh I am relatively un-familiar with the matter, as it started prior to taking my position within the CIK and its handled by my technical delegate and co.)