Mods for Kart Racing Pro

Hello everyone,

This is my first post so please forgive if I make a mistake. I was wondering how to get Mods for Kart Racing Pro on PC. Which sites or mod places do you use? I really like the game but after a while I need some new tracks and karts. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you again!

Sahib, I don’t know much about the game (just bought it too). Here’s what appear to be their active forums. Maybe someone else has some ideas.

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Thank you I appreciate it!


how does it compare to KartKraft, specifically for Lo206?

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I have only tried it once so far. Its quite well done but I didnt spend the time to get an accurate sense of wether its good or not. I did not like the way the kart felt “out of the box”. It felt heavier to me and mechanical. I didnt feel anything like what I feel in KK. I suspect that the answer lies in the tuning, which I didn’t get into.

If it goes on sale on steam, definitely worth a look. Much more evolved than KK. More everything and maybe has LO.

@SahibT do you know if KRP has 4-stroke or is it only European 2-stroke engine classes like OK and KZ?


Kart Racing Pro only has 2 strokes but I believe there is a Mod for 206 as I’ve seen some public lobby’s that have that engine but obviously you need the mod.

ik im a bit late but sim kart modding is a great place

krp has pretty much everything thanks to mods

Hi Dom, once you’ve had a good test run I’d appreciate your views on KRP. I’ve got Kartkraft and was thinking of purchasing KRP as well.
Look forward to your thoughts :+1:t2:

I have sim homework! Lemme check it out.