Multi device workflow options for Race Studio 3/Mychron/AiM

Posting here because I believe the subject deserves its own thread (hopefully I didn’t overlook an existing one, apologies if so). My suggestions below are only for single user, multiple computer situations. Please feel free to chime in if you have other suggestions or things that I have overlooked. Similarly, if you’re managing data for a team or multiple people, feel free to post your workflow suggestions and/or challenges with those situations (I can’t answer them, but maybe someone else will).

Basically, anyone that works with their Mychron data for any amount of time has probably wanted to at least share the data between two computers at one time or other (even if it is just to migrate from an old computer to a newer one).

I’ve tried a few things over the years. One thing I can tell you not to do is to try and put the whole RS3 in the cloud and do it that way. You may think that it works for a while, but eventually…kablooey. (though it probably could work fine put only "C:\AIM_SPORT\RaceStudio3\user\data" on a cloud drive and symlink to it on each computer, but I’m not going to describe that for sake of simplicity and reliability [and if you do happen to try this, know that you may need to let RS3 know that the files are there by manually importing them - RS3 doesn’t actually seem to scan the user/data directory on startup])

For my purposes, the Aim Cloud is too small with the free account, and to pay for it is overkill for my purposes, especially since I have something workable. Though I can imagine, especially once multiple drivers are involved, that it could be a good option if an extra expense. All workflow suggestions, AiM Cloud or not, are welcome.

Anyway, here’s what I do to manage data between my two computers:

Get data for the track day(s) desired by going to "C:\AIM_SPORT\RaceStudio3\user\data" on the device it was downloaded on to. Then transfer that data to the other device(s) and get RS3 to import them by either clicking the .xrk file that exists for each session or importing them from within RS3 itself (either way can work).

Open the profile manager from the RS3 analysis home screen. On the far left hand side of the RS3 Analysis app window click the icon that says, “Change Analysis Profile Settings”, then choose “Profile Manager” from the dropdown, and then select to export the profile to your drive. Locate where the exported file is located and transfer it to the other computer, then import on the other computer by reversing the steps above (again, all done within the profile manager).

Sorry for the strikethrough mess above, but after a conversation below I realized that for most people there is better way than the way listed above.

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That is a good way. As you said, running the program on a cloud drive will cause problems (I’m not just the president, but I’m a member :laughing: ) You can put all the data in a cloud drive without a problem. That will import your data into the cloud drive and you can let it handle the syching. Then when you go to the next computer, you can either import just hose files or pick the whole folder/subfolders. Only the new files will be imported.

IMHO, profiles on the cloud makes the most sense. There are no limits, so you can put them there without a problem. It also makes updating them easy.

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You raise a good point I hadn’t thought through - there is no benefit to symlink the files from the dropbox folder to the RS3 /user/data/ directory if putting them on the cloud (dropbox/etc) since RS3 doesn’t actually scan the directory for updates (would be handy if it did, but I digress). So as you suggest, simply sticking them on the cloud and then importing them (from your computer’s Dropbox directory for instance) to RS3 is how the workflow would need to go if someone goes that route.

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Another thing is that you do not need to leave them on the Cloud. You can use your track computer, download the data, analyze, then upload to the Cloud. On the second computer, download the data and then remove it from the Cloud.

Another nice feature of the Cloud is that you can share among your computers, but also share it with other people provided you know the email you they used for their AiM account.

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Aha! This is better than the method I listed in the original posting for most people, I think. I didn’t realize that I could selectively delete file from the AiM cloud, but keep them locally. I just played around with it, and using this method 20mb should be fine in almost all cases for me.

Boy, this is great - the other method was certainly manageable, but being able to use AiM syncing is way faster/easier. Thanks for sticking through the conversation, Matt.

Just for curiosities sake, I’m sort of hoping some folks chime in their with their multi-user/driver workflows.

Also, here is a link to a PDF for the AiM Cloud for anyone that is trying to get things working.

If you like videos more than documents, check out James’ video. I haven’t watched it through, but it should have everything in it.

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