My Laptop good enough for simracing?

I’m not knowledgable in terms of gaming or PC specs.

I purchased my laptop to handle large spreadsheets with plenty of power. I was told it was also a gaming laptop, but would it work for sim racing?

Theres a link to my laptop, could anyone help?

I guessing you’re Irish? (Me too)

You’ll be able to run sims on it looking at the specs. Really where the specs make a difference is the detail\resolution and FPS you can run it at. (That’s assuming you have some sort of dedicated GPU, which this laptop has). I have a laptop with a slower GPU (3060) and it runs most things well and supports VR. I have not tried iRacing though. But like I suggested, you’ll be able to run it just fine… it’s really a question of how much detail (prettiness) you want and the resolution.

On the other hand, something like Live for Speed will run on almost anything because the graphics requirements are so low.

What sims are you thinking of?

Hi James,

Irish Indeed !!

I was thinking Gran Turismo, WRC/Rally and F1. Whatever the latest versions of these games are. I’m not a gamer so not upto speed. My last console was a ps2 in 2001.

I was looking at a fanatec csl dd 8nm wheel also, would this work on the laptop?

Is there any good karting games that you know of?

Gran Turismo is only for PS, forza motorsport is avaliable for pc

I would say yes. It has a 4060.

I have a 3060ti and that allows me to play all sorts of games on a widescreen monitor and iracing in VR at not terrible settings.

That laptop seems like it would be able to handle most games!