MyChron Alarm Settings for X30

Hello Everyone,

I’m making a return to karting after a 20+ year hiatus. I’ve picked up a kart with an X30 and am using a MyChron 5S 2T. I have a question in regard to the two alarm LEDs. Can anyone provide what settings they are using with an X30 for each alarm? I’m thinking that there would be a high & low water temp. alarm for LED #1 and a high & low EGT temp. alarm for LED #2 (or some variation thereof?). However, I’m not sure if all of these settings are needed, and even if they are, I’m not sure what temperatures I would assign to them.

Any insight is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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I’ve set mine to blink yellow when engine is below working range and fixed red when engine is over temperature.

I’ve avoided EGT because it changes too quickly and you may miss the alarm, so I prefer to stay on the safe side and check it at the end of session.

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Mind if I ask which too low / too high water temps you are using?

Not X30 specific but I set a warning light for too high of EGT, and then another blinking light for when it’s going way too high.

For water temp on X30 I set a warning for like 150 water temp.

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IAME manual reports a working range of 45-65 °C, I’ve set blinking under 43 and red alarm at 63.

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