MyChron Autofill Scanner Website for Compiling Data

Hi all! My name is Monica, I’m 17 years old, and I’ve developed a website for data analysis that I would love to share with you all. I have started one topic in the past called “a website recording setup data” outlining my process, and this topic is to introduce the final product.

Over the past couple months, I’ve been working really hard to create a website that can digitally record kart setup data including lap times, track conditions, weather, etc. The biggest feature is that the website allows you to take a photo of your MyChron screen, and it will analyze the photo autofill the lap times, EGTs, and RPMs for you. This way, you can save all your data from any session with a photo and a click of the “submit” button. No more time-consuming copying of numbers after your sessions!

If this interests you, I encourage you to take a look at the website which I’ve linked here: Karting Data
All you need to do to get started is create an account. Then you can tap “Add a session” and go from there!

I am open to all comments/concerns/suggestions so please don’t hesitate to reply to this topic! I would love to talk to you guys and hear what you think about this passion project of mine.

Thanks so much!


I don’t understand the purpose – isn’t it easier to just download it off the mychron? And I don’t want to create an account to find out. Could you perhaps share an instructional youtube video demo’ing what this software does?

Hi, yes, this website isn’t supposed to conflict with your current routine (downloading directly from the mychron). It’s supposed to be a nice addition because it keeps track of the setup you used during a certain session as well as the final data (lap times, EGT, RPM…). So unlike Race Studio or any other mychron software (as far as I know), you can see what gear size, for example, you used when you ran your fastest time at a particular track. The camera feature just makes it so you don’t have to input finicky numbers manually.

I’ll add a youtube link in the topic description shortly.

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If you implement this in a easy-to-use way I think it would be a winner. It’s something i’ve always wanted to have. A dashboard of sorts…

I’m happy you think so! I would love to hear your thoughts on what a dream “dashboard” would look like for you. I don’t know if you’ve taken a look at the website yet, but are there any changes you would make so it is more user-friendly?

I did look real quick but I didn;'t bother to create an account. I’m alos not sure where in storage my Mychon is either. In terms of user friendliness, don’t worry about that yet… Get your code and functionality down first. It can be prettified later.

Dashboard: I’d like to see data, setup and video all on the screen at once. Especially setup. Drives me nuts that I have to pull data and setup separately.

If you haven’t encountered it already, @GGXXIII has a very neat platform called kartsetups:

I used it last year and like it a lot and he’s made a ton of improvements since then including a “base setup” were it displays only the changes made so you don’t have to figure out what you

Hi all! Just trying to bring some life back into this thread :blush:
I would really appreciate it if anyone new here could take a look at the website I linked above. I made it to keep track of setup data. If you could try it out and want to leave some feedback, please do so!
Thanks so much!