New Forums Visitor Record March 2021

Thanks to your input, the KartPulse forums continue to grow and add value.

March 2021 saw a new record for visitors at 23,400 across 200,000+ “hits” putting us on trend for about 2m+ hits this year.

Historically March tends to be a good month for traffic, but this is still about 20% above March 2020.

Google search result performance is up as well, again about 20% higher than March last year.

Here are some of the top performing pages. Notably classifieds popped here…

Do you find this information interesting, or just kinda weird? Are there other stats that you’re interested in? Let me know.


This is good to know. Is there a way I can drill down on stats since I am a mod? I’d like to be able to see this.

Congrats on the success! I hope to see this forum grow as its been a wonderful source of information for me. I’ll try to get some of my karting buddies on this forum

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Its because the KP folks are so helpful, with ZERO ego when answering stupid questions from people like me who are new to the sport and still learning.

Nicely done.


I second that!! :joy:


I find it interesting. I also think it’s a good sign that there is more interest in karting. It appears most users are karters from beginner to very experienced and most people are willing to help and give good information. I think if the “classifieds” section takes off it will only increase traffic.

Thank you for your efforts James!


I did some research on this and it doesn’t look like there’s a way to grant access to the stats on the forum software (Discourse). I requested it, but it doesn’t look like there’s a great demand for it.

Thanks anyways! It would be fun to know what’s read and what isnt.

So James showed me a report…

One of the top trending searches: “My lo206 is slow”.

Ouch. Savage burn on my new engine choice, folks.

Unsurprisingly, the oractical threads about set up, mechanics, getting started etc, are the most viewed.

The threads where we opine and run our mouths not as much. What? I thought people came here for our brilliant discussions! :grinning:

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more like “im slow”

Didnt we go from tires to space shuttles or philosophy or something? who knows. It was good fun.

im very much a beginner but I hope ive had some useful thoughts


Awesome and congrats. Love this forum. Great group of people!

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