New guy here, just saying hello! (late bloomer)

Yes its the same car from the movie dom !


I would reference the anime more than the movie lol


Cool! Thanks! 20 letters

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Welcome @Jayrdee. Let us know if we can help with anything.

Grew up riding around in this:

Sitting shotgun in a right hand drive car gets a kid a few funny looks. :rofl:

My Pop is still racing his 87’ Civic.

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That doesnt surprise me one bit! Everyone I’ve met so far at G&J Kartway has been the nicest group hardcore racers.

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Looks like i came to the right place! Lots of like-minded individuals here.

I’ll be looking forward to seeing you all at the track!

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Sounds like my son and I need to get to G&J and race…


That’s a great poll, maybe we should make it its own thing. I started at 16/17, basically as soon as I could get a job to pay for the cheapest gear I could find.

At the rock this weekend I met a gentleman who is easily in his 60’s and just got started. He got tired of his kid (Now a young adult) having all he fun, so he started karting himself.


Wellp, so far, 2/3 of us started as adults.

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We’ll be racing this weekend! Last night race of the season.


My poll seems to indicate that if you didn’t pick up karting as a kid, you’ll likely do so closer to 40s than 20s.

No takers 70+. :rage: cmon it’s the fountain of yoot.

@Stamatis125 don’t worry, I was also corrected by Tanguy for referencing the movie once. Apparently the anime is what caused all the hubbub. The movie is less famous, I think.

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That car is also one of my all time favorites when i was playing gran turismo at my playstation years !

Its a great underdog , i love it .


We have a guy racing KA that is in his 70’s but he has been racing cars ad karts for a long time.


Hi Jacob! Welcome to karting! That looks like G and J Kartway. I love that track. Probably going to be going there within the next week or so for a practice day.

You’ll like it here. I’m new to kartpulse as well and found that everyone is super welcoming and helpful.