Hi guys
I’m a newbie here on the forum
My son who is 12 wants to get into karting and i ain’t got a clue where to start
Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated
Thanks in advance
Hi Paul,
First off where are you located?
I’m located in the Rhondda valleys South Wales
Thanks! Is that Aus or UK?
I’m in the UK mate
Any thoughts as to folks who might have boots on ground in Wales and have an idea of programs/facilities?
I know Rowrah is in Wales, brilliant track too built in a quarry. Is that close to you at all @Turbopaul ?
Rowrah is in Cumbria, not Wales
Llandow is your best shot most likely. They have monthly club meetings, though times are tough and they’ve cancelled a few.
Thanks Alan
Llandow is only about 50 minutes away from me, I’ll pop there and have a chat
Arrive and drive: Arrive & Drive - South Wales Karting Centre
Owner driver: Owner Drivers - South Wales Karting Centre
They have endurance and league stuff!
And here’s where you could start him/her: Race Academy - South Wales Karting Centre
Welcome to the sport, don’t forget to bring your wallet . . .
My wallets always open lol
Well you are in the right place living in the UK. There couldn’t be a better place for Karting in the world other than possibly Italy.
Attend events. Get a pit pass & walk around, ask questions, take pics. Find out about the different classes & which one might be right for you. Wash/rinse/repeat. The more you learn, the more you’ll know what/where/who to ask.
Don’t forget to enjoy yourself. Racing is fun, no matter your vantage point.