Newline updated VMa-K horizontal radiator concept

CF intake plenum + box housing a (nearly) horizontally configured radiator:


Any excuse for carbon fiber is a good excuse.


That’s going to be fun to buy and replace when some knucklehead drives over you from three kart-lengths back.

Looks badass though. We’ve seen a lot of horizontal-style radiators come and go over the years but they never seem to catch on in popularity. I’ve never used one, do they actually provide a benefit to cooling or aero? I know sometimes people would run them at New Castle because they claimed it was more aero efficient.

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Looks neat and should work reasonably well. Aero-wise I don’t think it would have much impact with trapped smaller area VS open side larger area.

Do most kart regulations allow for something besides a normal back-tilted radiator? Looking at some local regs it would be banned due to ducting and angle:

b) RADIATOR: Min. angle of 45 deg. from horizontal. No ducting to radiator allowed. Tape to control temperature is allowed.

oh boy am I gonna have some fun with the new CFD software I have access to in college
I have so many more resources to do things, but so little time to use them

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