Since ride height affects the handling of the kart, I wouldn’t run offset ride heights in front. How far off is your front weight? And let’s drill down to why it’s off.
Given how rigid the kart is though, it would not take hardly any height difference to make a strong difference in cross-weight. If you are just moving around 1mm washers under the spindle, it won’t be changing your geometry appreciably but could move weight around pretty significantly.
My experience is that bad cross-weights are a sign of a bent chassis or C, so the height is already uneven at the corners. As an emergency stop-gap, correcting a bent C with shims isn’t terrible and the tires won’t know much difference until you can get the chassis properly straightened.
Okay, thanks. Here’s the layout from the Kart Balance app, but adjusted for actual (bathroom) scale readings. So ignore the adjustment “weights” that are right on top of the wheels. The platform is level.
Below is the layout for Senior at 360#. My attempt at Masters at 390# has similar issues.
(On a related note, as a newbie racer, should start with Senior or Masters? The extra weight for Masters seems ludicrous, but my priority right now is to learn as much as possible.)
Have you aligned the front end to see if there is any offset on front geometry?
If you want to run a small ride height offset to get it closer that’s probably fine. It’s not my preferred way to do it but you might not have another option and everyone has an opinion on whether you should aim for a symmetrical setup or symmetrical weight balance.
And Masters is usually more laid back. If you’re new that might be a better place to start but getting laps is important too. Two classes can be overwhelming however if you’re just getting going and figuring everything out.
I think its a very good example of my point that i think people is to focused on this.
Again here is what Can go wrong when doing it. (Been there my self)
Not correct alligned steering.
Frame slifghtly out of shape.
The corner svales not correctly leveled.
Not the same tyre pressures in all Four corners.
The above needs to be 100% else what you think is perfect weight distribution could anything else then that.
Once you verify frame is straight and steering is all set up correctly, you still may have slight offsets in weight percentages. It happens more with bigger folks who cant move weight around, but I have had one of these on almost every kart I have ever owned. I love them:
Yes, sir. You may need to drill out the bottom hole (I’m sorry, I cant remember on the Eagles), but if so, it is very simple. Drill out the center ride height hole just large enough to accept the cassette hardware.
My kart is 10kg heavier on the front right compared to the front left. But the tests I’ve done indicate I don’t have a bent chassis. I’ve got no lead or anything on the front, wheel alignment and geometry is even/balanced to the best of my knowledge, what could possibly be causing this?