Percent weight for KA 100

Chassis is OTK LN kart. Driver is 6-4 and change.

When we were in LO206 we ran 44% front weight.

In KA the team has recommended we move to a much more rear weight bias, so we have.

Curious what other tall drivers have done with KA?

The range is 41-44% front generally, and the taller the driver, the less front you want because you can use your body more to influence the kart. So you guys should be closer to that 41% number. I generally run about 43%.

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The only time I’ve ever been referenced as tall (5’11”) is by the karting community, but I do have more mass in the seat (200lb) than most. In KA masters we typically ran our OTKs around 42.5%-43% in order to keep them free in the rear. I’m curious if we’ll have to move that more forward for the new stickier MGs this year.