(stamatis stampelos)
October 26, 2024, 9:01pm
So many times i had this dream . That i am an owner of an original American dinner place , and the jukebox has the best tunes in the house .
My coffee is so strong and fresh in the shop and i can still smell it when i finally wake up in my bed in greece . Inside a windturbine tech body .
You know me so good by now dom .
Cheers man .
Love those machines yep .
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I hope the kart isn’t shakin’!
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I may one day come to your island in Greece. If so, we are re-creating this and putting it up on KP.
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(stamatis stampelos)
November 5, 2024, 1:26pm
We are waiting for you sir !!
Come any time of the year !
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Fun kid kar! I want one too.
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(stamatis stampelos)
November 17, 2024, 8:51am
This is the opening credits as I race you up a dusty greek mountain road. Sadly, you are ahead. but, I am coming for ya.
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Electric guitar motorbike love song with plot twist ending.
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@Stamatis125 For reasons unknown the sky has changed here in NJ. Sunsets and sunrises have been gobsmacking in the past 2 years. It’s hard not to be a bit in awe of the relentless beauty of the light that greets me pretty much daily now, whether it’s dawn or dusk. Here’s this am commute:
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(stamatis stampelos)
December 6, 2024, 4:30pm
N.j. is gorgeous i wish we can have an evening coffee together some time in our lives there .
And offcourse dinner in a original american dinna.
More coffee for me mam !!
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Oooh fireplace weather indeed! How cold does it get in Karystos?
(stamatis stampelos)
December 6, 2024, 5:27pm
Its 10 Celsius this evening. Its not so cold but my cousins is in my house today so fireplace is a must
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