What’s up guys. I have a TM k9c kz engine and i was replacing a broken reed, when I discovered that my reeds were installed incorrectly. And when I searched on internet, every pic i see is different one from another. I wanna know what is the best and if it’s situational. In my engine i’m only using one half moon each reed and i don’t have this blue thing.
The current spec is the bottom photo where you have one half moon on the top side, and two half moons on the bottom side, along with one of the blue pieces on each side. This is a good starting point, and often what I run in my R1. Frankly, I’m not sure how much the blue pieces really contribute, as they are quite flexible.
Also make sure you have the reeds installed in the correct direction, otherwise they will not seal properly.
Reed configuration can be situational, though the differences are quite small. In general, stiffer reeds will provide more top end, and softer reeds more bottom end. A stiffer reed will be more durable as well.
I recommend always replacing with the TM reeds, as they last longer than aftermarket options.
thanks man, helped me a lot!