Removing Decal Residue?

What are you all using to remove old bodywork decal residue? Mine has collected dirt nicely, but WD-40 only removes the dirt and not the residue. I have a vinyl remover buff wheel somewhere, if I can find it. But I was thinking of trying acrysol or acetone… Don’t want to use diesel or race fuel. Goo gone is a possible option, but I hear it’s worse in a new formulation…(D@mned EPA, what are they thinking, protecting us?!!) You can see one splotch near the rear of sidepod, but there’s a little bit everywhere…


Carb cleaner and a blue rag does a decent job if you want to scrub it. Otherwise my go-to is another adhesive. Get a heat gun to soften the residue, and then a big piece of duct tape slapped on top and peeled off will pull the adhesive with it.


Thanks! I was also considering a solvent and magic eraser…

Brakleen is my go to for the little stubborn bits. Usually when pulling graphics I’ll use the old ones to do the same method TJ is talking about with another adhesive.

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I use this for wholesale regular vinyl removal (with adhesive) – not the laminated vinyl.

We using paint resolvent on white rags with this residues

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Acetone works good. Use it to remove light tire rub marks on the decals too