ROK VLR Forum?

Hey guys, looking for a forum that has more information on the ROK VLR? Any suggestions?

There’s really only a handful karting forums point blank that I’m aware of. In addition to here there’s which is more dirt racing oriented and Actually there’s but the forums there have been quiet for the last few years.

That said, they’re a lot of knowledge from the members here and are probably your best bet.
What questions do you have?

To start off you can use the tag vortex_VLR100 to find topics

plus of course there’s the usual keyword search results.

You may have already done this, but if not… hope they help.

What do you want to know? They are a good engine not as popular as the KA100 here in Ohio. We run them together locally and people that have both run nearly identical times at our track with KA having a slight advantage in Senior/Masters.

The Homoligation papers will give you all the specs.

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Thanks for the replies, nothing specific just general knowledge. Up in Ontario (Canada) we only run the Vortex Rok program and VLR is getting bigger as its a more cost effective option then jumping into a Jr or Sr Rok. My son wants to get out of the L0206 so we are going this route, and as soon as my younger son turns 14 I will make the switch.