Rotax Cuts Out After Two Sessions

The last two times I’ve been out to the track for a practice day with my Rotax max karts one of them just cuts out and both times it was at the end of the second 20 minute session. The engine will restart but cuts out again after about 50 yards. It also ran up on the stand after but I tried going out again and it cut out after about 100 yards. Any ideas what’s going on?

check the pulse line from crank case to the fuel pump

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It seem a fuel peoblem … we had too lean adjustments on our level of floats in our rotax and after 2 rounds it stopped as yours .

Next time it does it … first take out the spark plug pipe and check if you got spark , so we can eliminate that its not electrical malfuction at first ,

and then you start focus and troubleshooting at the fuel side systems …

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