Seat position and cushions

I think my problem is long legs and long arms. 5’10 and ape index is +2

If you are tail happy would be a big giveaway I guess. Since we are more forwards in the kart, I imagine that changes things. That being said, I haven’t noticed anything but then again, I’ve been in the deepseat since almost the beginning as I broke my ribs early on.

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If it’s your first year, I wouldn’t worry too much about the handling issues. Just learn to drive smoothly and try the posture thing and have fun. Having better posture probably won’t feel like it makes a huge difference to you at this stage, but once you get some experience and a better feel for the kart you’ll start to notice how much your body’s position can affect the chassis handling.

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thanks for the help, Ive been mostly working on driving smoothly. It makes such a huge difference, especially in a 4 stroke. Only .5 off the top 5 guys at our races. (we get up to 25)

I’m pretty tall too and would have some bad posture in thd seat as well. I found rotating the seat further back helped. I haven’t tried one yet but a company called Beasley makes an extended back seat that keeps you cik legal and allows the seat to lay further back.

Thanks for the help. I’ll look into it