Bryan, thank you for your review from your experience. I have been formulating what will work for me because of a great many variables, all resolvable but I do not want to learn at my wallets expense. If I reck something then it’s on me but if I purchase an expensive piece of equipment that may not be allowed on the track bothers me greatly fir you have extremely limited resources.
I really am in love with the Vortec Egine made in Italy and I asked and awaiting someone to answer a real big question for me for I can not locate anything that tells me what I can or can not do, use, build, etc., to build a Kart you are willing to give it seat time and learn how to drive a Kart you really want. I am willing to allow seat time on practice tracks, using a very good simulator and go to meets near us and watch, listen and learn as much as I can. That’s good for me and I need to really give that deeper thoughts when getting Karts for the remainder of my family team we are trying to build.
I have mind boggling concerns about equipping, dressing, training so many in a very short order and not break the bank. I am willing to upsorbe initial heavy costs involved and I need it to level down and allow me to understand the costs based upon series of races, ages of Racers, style of racing, etc., has a lot of initial outputs.
The great thing in DavinRS is trying to get a resource page of sorts that will assist me greatly once it gets off the ground. The blog administrators here are really on top of those and many more important issues that needs addressing , to build, promote, and make it easier for someone like me to get involved. For, I am looking at the output vs the available resources that will support our plans rather then me figuring out the multitudes of data needed to do what I wish to do. So, I decided not to let things bother me and I am going to just get one Kart at a time and when we get our third type of Kart we can honestly see how to progress, get back to having fun or else it is not worth the crazieness?
If anyone has the low down on Vortec I would love to hear about stuff that is not public marketing strategies to get you to buy their crap. I really want the real low down and BROTHER THATS WHEN YOUR KART MEETING ONCE A MONTH WOULD BE GREAT. I WOULD EVEN ATTEND IN OTHER NEIGBORING STATES, OREGON, IDAHO, . It would be worth it to make good contacts and build your address book with like minded folks that may be doing things on their own that they would hire their expertise out and you could save money that way. So I hope some positive movement about monthly or even bi-monthly meets and move them around? Thanks and may your sails be full on a calm day. Scout©.