Hi just got my engine back from my mechanic from full rebuild is just sooo beautyfull. Just wanted to know if the price 700 euro is reasonable?
Is the job well done??
If it includes rod I’d say that’s a good deal. There’s a decent amount of labor involved in a full rebuild.
Yah includes rod and a new cranc shaft
Is there any need for changing the balance shaft?
Not really, just change the gear oil.
Sure I’ll pay 700 for that engine!
7000kr is a normal price for an x30 rebuild
Swedish ?? Or maby ??
Sure sounds like a nice deal add like 2600 euro and its yours
Yes swedish, from skåne
Niceee im from täby stocholm and drive järfölla mk
Sweet, just started?
NOOO. 1.5 years of karting
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Nice, I’ve been driving since 2005🤣
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