The Flip and the Leatt Neck Brace

IYKYK (20 characters)


So Bill, if you’re not wearing it and it’s sitting on your wardrobe, wanna sell it to me? I’m 5’10" and 165lbs. Would it fit? (or are they one size fits all?)

Tempting, but postage to the US (I assume) would be a deal breaker i imagine.

BMW tested, approved, and sold (not sure if they still do, need to check) the Leatt brace under the name BMW Motorrad Neck Brace System.

From 1999-2002 I worked for BMW AG in Munich in product strategy. I can attest to the fact that when they put their name of something, it has been thoroughly tested. We would not introduce a new leather color that had not been tested for 2 years at a cost of 200,000 Euros.

Here are a couple of the most important ponts from the press release.

  • After thorough research and testing, BMW Motorrad, the world’s leading motorcycle manufacturer in the area of innovative safety systems *

** In cooperation with KTM and a team of specialists made up of accident researchers, bio-mechanics, accident surgeons and, not least, the inventor of this protection system, South African physician Dr. Chris Leatt, BMW Motorrad **

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BMW still sells it. Here is what they say about it in the user manual

> you are provided with additional protection against neck injuries as the cervical spine is relieved and the risk of injury or degree of injury can be reduced.

“can be reduced” is a rather opaque statement.

Also BMW provide no evidence.