Ultrasonic cleaning of carb

i haven’t done a ton of research, but i know people use ultrasonic cleaners for carburetors. can i just unbolt the 206 carb, and throw it in without disassemly, or does it need to be torn all the way down? any recommendations for cleaning solution, etc. are appreciated.

I tear mine all the way down.

50/50 Simple Green and Distilled Water

30° - 5 minutes

Blow off as soon as it’s out, hose with brake clean thoroughly, blow off, spray WD, blow off again.


Maybe a coincidence, but the float on my daughter’s comer gave me issues after putting it in the ultrasonic cleaner. There weren’t any outward signs of any compatibility issues with the chemicals, but it didn’t float as high as it used to and let to fuel dripping out of the front of the carb. My guess is the vibration allowed a drop of fluid into the float and changed its buoyancy.

I have also found that you really want the dirt to have a path to fall away from the part. If you don’t disassemble, all the dirt that was inside (or falls inside) the carb will stay inside the carb.

I would tear down completely, remove all gaskets and o-rings. I have good luck with about 25% Krud Kutter cleaner degreaser and 75% hot water. Wash for about 5 - 6 min. I usually rinse with clear water and blow dry with light pressure. If time allows, air dry overnight then reassemble. I wouldn’t be afraid to use WD-40 as a step between cleaning and assembly, on 2 strokes it is used to check pop-off and it displaces water too.

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Ah, I don’t put the float in. If it’s gross, it gets replaced.

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I tear it all down and don’t put the floats, inlet needle or any gaskets in the ultrasonic cleaner. Think of it this way, if it is assembled when you put it in, where is all of the junk the cleaner agitates inside going to go? Take it apart first and the junk can easily flow out. I use the purple “HD” Simple Green which is actually easier on aluminum than regular Simple Green (found at Home Depot). Fill the tub with hot water, put a few cap-fulls of HD SG concentrate in and then run it for a minute or two. Pull it out and rinse it off well with water, then blast with air, then carb cleaner and then reassemble.

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I usually strip most of it down… i use water and heat it up to 60 degrees and pour in some dish soap it works amazing!

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