Unconventional Storage. Anyone else?

I recently picked up a 2024 Gillard TG17 wayyy ahead of schedule, so as a result I do not have a “normal” storage solution. My chassis is stored in my 2nd floor apartment in my room, and my DIY kart stand consists of 2 chairs. Anyone else have a similar situation?

Here it is in my living room after I took off the plastics so I could carry it up the stairs (not doing that by myself again, it was still heavy as sh*t).

Here it is up against the wall in my room temporarily while I moved some things around.


If I didn’t think it would kill me as a slept, I’d put one inverted on my ceiling…just as kART.

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I used to store a kart in my bedroom (was downstairs thankfully). Cupboard full of engines as well.

where there’s a will…


Iirc @KartingIsLife had a particularly convoluted kart storage process when younger.

@Ted_Hamilton someone dreamt big!

I’m guessing their dinner guests are unnerved.


Must have good joists…

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