how much does your track cost for the rental? And my chassis also came with the transponder mount on the side pod which is nice
Its free for evry race weekend
ANd for trainings we just use our mychrons as gps laptimers
so do i only need a transponder on race days?
Pretty much. It allows the race director to see all the karts and have relative timing. For practice days, your mychron does the laptimes.
then most likely im going to rent one for the first year, I know the owner and his son pretty well, so maybe i can get a deal on rental
That’s what I did. I eventually bought one and paid sub fee. I think it was like 15-30 bucks rental at the time from the series.
isnt it free? When you arrive on race day you trade your id for one and then you leave it at the end of the day and you get your id back and its 100% free = )
Usually tracks that have “free” transponders, just build the rental fee into the racing fee. Be prepared when you go other places, as most do charge a fee for renting them. Basically, your paying for it one way or another.
I do 1 serier in sweden its mkr entry fee is 80 euro.
Then its my job to get my team new tires good engine etc, but every race i think transponder rental fee is in that 80euro and a race weekeend costs from everyting from 400 to 1200euro depends on how it goes and if stuff brake!