What karting race systems do you use? (Race Monitor, Speedhive, Etc.) I’ve recently been turned onto these systems, and was wondering if there is anything else out there worth using?
There isn’t really any choosing since it depends on what each series decides to use for their results posting. For example, SKUSA and USPKS always uses RaceHero for live scoring and results where other series use RaceMonitor.
Speedhive/MyLaps is mostly for archival results. They have a live function I guess, but I don’t know any series here that uses it for live timing and scoring.
I use speedhive to record how slow I was
speaking of speedhive, I believe its down right now. Speedhive is a pain
It really comes down to the system(s) that are being used by the event.
Racehero (From the motorsportsreg team) is another one, but again it’s dependent on the scoring staff utilizing it and having timing software compatible with it in the first place.
AMB/Orbits/Mylaps/Speedhive are essentially a suite of timing tools.
AMB is the timing hardware.
Orbits is the timing software (But AMB hardware works with other software too)
MyLaps\Speedhive is a web portal for results that are pushed from Orbits.
Orbits uses a protocol called Rmon for live scoring. Software like race monitor and race hero use this protocol to bring live (and archived) results to the end user.
Hey, I’m new to this blog.
The top 3 software systems are BMI Leisure, Apex-Timing, and the US Clubspeed.
I’m writing a blog on karting software. Feel free to visit.
Racehero was shut down by Parella Motorsports Holdings a month or so ago.
Yes. But to be fair my post was from 2021…
The question here is more oriented to competition (or owner driver) karting vs concession/rentals. Apex is used in some cases, BMI and club speed however are not used at all in competition karting that I’m aware of.
Ah! I was caught by the dreaded old thread revival. I should keep my rookie status.
Happens to the best of us. Don’t become a Mod because the messed up system sometimes sends you alerts that make you necro something without realizing it.
I know most forums are (or were when they were a thing) are against bumping, but here if it adds to the topic in some way, add new context or whatnot, it’s fair game.
In this case, making the point that RH is no more is a fairly valid thing to point out on the topic.