I have seen guys use a car battery on a dolly and have cables running to the starter. If you need a huge cca then that might be the best way to go. Although it is a bigger pain as you have to roll the battery around.
Think that Chris has the right idea. The same type of rig that the endro karters use. Put a quick connecter on the battery cables and weld a piece of pipe on the two wheeled cart to put the shaft of the starter in.
Yeah that might be the way to go. I’ve been trying a few different things including a lithium booster pack. That thing has some kick, just less capacity but it might be the way to go when the karts start easier after I get idle circuit etc adjusted.
It might be hard to find at an affordable price. Most stuff using that number of batteries is for an E-bike, and will be setup for higher voltage. The racecar stuff is priced for rich racecar folks.