What should be in my toolbox for karting

American and Metric :joy:

A 7 mm hex key for the OTK camber/caster settings!

Some things I did not see… Tire pressure gauge, laser aligners for front end, laser aligner for chain, valve stem tool, grinder with cutting wheel, hack saw, spray bottle for soapy water to mount tires, files, drill, drill bits.

Chain lube. Some sort of cleaning compound that won’t mess up paint. Cleaning stuff like paper towels.

Something to sit on and some form of shade.

Protein snacks, many :joy:


I agree with this tremendously. Diet and Physical Fitness can definitely affect your racing weekend.

While we are on subject, it’s easy to get sunstroked/dehydrated/bonked. Strongly recommend potassium and sodium. I used to think if I drank enough water and stayed in shade, I would be fine. That is decidedly not the case. You will burn mega calories and sweat out everything.

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I think that the 268 piece mechanics set is plenty, I personally would also pick up some t bar Allen wrenches (like and Allen key just on a handle) it makes life much easier.

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I haven;t re-read this thread in a while, so it may have already been mentioned. A compact folding table is helpful to have your Go-To tools handy between sessions. Additionally some storage totes help keep things organized. Extra hardware like nuts, bolts, washers, clips and pins is a must. Big-Box hardware stores sell those divided cases that make it easy to keep things separated to find what you need in a pinch. Nothing worse than dropping something in the gravel or dirt and trying to find it as they are calling you to the grid.

I have been happy with the Kobalt kit similar to this one that I got from Lowe’s some yrs back.

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  • Zip ties
  • Every oil/lube that you use - chain, 2 stroke, penetrating - handy to spray the easily rust part when heated (such as some exhaust) and build that patina to prevent rust (sort of like seasoning a cast iron pan)
  • Simple volt meter for your TaG