oh i didn’t know that all the tracks i race at only have mylaps and thats it so there in high demand
side pod most tracks reqire you to be 4 inches from the kingpin if im correct you should mount it as close to the front as you can i found that out the hard way when i lost my first race by s tausent of a second because my transponder was to far back
I cant seem to find none subscritpion ones on their website. Whats it called?
or you can pick it up from Comet
Funny you should post this. Me and the boys were commenting last time we were indoors karting that every facility seems to use the same software package.
Welcome Leonid, I’m not sure this is on topic.
Can you talk more about how Race Facer can help competition kart racers using AMB transponders with Orbits? My conversations with Race Facer lead me to believe it’s more geared towards rental\concession karts where the transponders are already provided.
I need to revisit this topic as one of our transponders has stopped working. I have 2 TranX160 transponders that came with our first karts. They are about 15-20 years old so I knew this day was coming.
In looking at Mylaps website the yellow kart TR2 that looks to be the only option shows a list price of $429 for a lifetime unit. However, they also sell a lifetime MX transponder for $377 that has the same max speed specification. The only difference is their operating height is 4ft instead of the karts 2ft. So would the MX unit work on a kart track? My track also has bike events as well so I would suspect it would work.
I also find it strange I can’t find pricing for subscription services without having an account. What are the subscription rates if we went that route?
Why not get them repaired? We’ve used a gentleman down in Texas for years that repairs them if possible. Will even 3d print a new case or case half in needed. Better battery too, usually 5 days or so of charge.
I have options for MyLaps TranX160 Transponders. Multiple combos, we can do repairs etc and more. Text 484-709-6851