When to use MXC

I’ve just bought a set of MXC and was wondering when is the best to use the MXC and when to use the MXJ
Any help is appreciated

Above 55 degrees F, MXC. Below, MXJ.

Sorry for revivíng such an old post… When you say 55ºF, are you referring to the air temperature or the track temperature?

Thanx who can help :smiling_face:

Air temp, though it is a very general range. Overall, the actual tire temp and track temp is more important. My main point was that the MXC works in almost any temperature, and you’d only switch to a different wheel if it were cold or low grip.

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MXC is never the wrong answer. :smiley: MXJ can be very good on a cooler track like TJ mentioned or also a very green/dirty track.

For the Seattle/Pacific Northwest area would the MXC also work as a backup rain wheel?

I have aluminum, MXJ, and MXC wheels. For the winter series, when there is a lot of rain, I’m thinking slicks on the MXJ, best rains on aluminum, and backup/practice rains on MXC.

Yes? Or?

Ideal no, but for a backup or practice set that’ll work just fine. You may want to run them a psi or two higher because they wont build as much heat and pressure.

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In an ideal situation I wouldn’t run the MXC as a rain wheel because they are not going to allow the tire to heat up like they need to, as Ricky noted. Plus I prefer not to smash up my expensive wheels in the chaos of a rain race…


MXC cant be used for rain tires anyway - rear rims are 210 mm wide. For rain tires we use 180 mm rear rims because rear tires are 6" wide vs slicks - 7.1".
If you use only OTK there is aluminuim AXP rain set.

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You can get a rain tire on a 210 and frankly they work really well. Spoken as a guy who has tried to field 8 Ariive and Drive karts with only 4 sets of rain wheels. Gotta be creative some days. Lol


Dan is right. Definitely possible. When the track is drying up, a set of used rains on a wide rim might just be the fastest thing you have ever seen. :wink:


:joy: reminds me of Keith putting Mg red on front of kart and hard tires in back. Good times/weird driving!

Begs the question… if you have to choose front or rear for the rains… which do you choose? Better turn in or better corner out?

Reminds me something I noticed when watching Euro X30 is that they let you put new tyres on your left or right side of the kart. Don’t remember if they let you change the rear or front ones

Hehe. That must be odd! All the grip in one direction.

You will basically use the MXJs to collect dust and dirt. The MXCs will be your primary almost all the time.
We ran OTK for the last 3 seasons, albeit in Texas. We would run MXC pretty much year round. Only time we would consider the MXJ stock wheels would be temps down in the 45F or lower range. So for us the MXJs were pretty much relegated to spare wheels for morning warm-up session tires during larger race weekends that allowed 1 race set. We would use old rubber and those rims for warm-ups to save life on the race rubber.
For wets we had a set of Douglas 6" cast magnesium wheels with 6" wide rears. Not the optimum aluminum choice, but we got them with the very first used kart we purchased and couldn’t justify spending for a set of aluminum rims for the rare instances of rain.


In shifter MXJ’s are good, at least on the rear. They offer a bit more grip, which is almost never a bad thing in shifter.

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