Where do I start?

I just picked up a pretty cool Indy go cart. The original engine is toast. I want to run two engines on the back. I want to be able to start them via a button on the steering wheel. I’m thinking I’ll start by getting two (of the same) engines. Then fab up the frame to hold two engines. Then maybe sorce a steering wheel? Is there a good place online where I can find parts? I want to use a butterfly (detachable) steering wheel and a line lock to lock the front tires (also a button on the steering wheel). Any other builds like that out there? Which motor should I use? Exhaust options?


What is your goal? Just a fun toy for the yard?

What you’ve got isn’t a racing kart, so your options are pretty much open-ended since you don’t have to conform to any rules or anything. Whatever you can dream up you can do, assuming you’ve got the skills.

Just keep in mind that this thing was probably designed to go about 7 mph, so mechanical strain on the frame, brakes, tires, wheels etc. are going to be a concern if you start throwing a lot of power at it without upgrading things. I have no idea where you would source parts, but I would bet some actual racing kart parts could be made to fit on here. However, once you start upgrading all that stuff you probably would be better off just buying an actual kart.

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Thank you. So I’ll reinforce the frame? I was gonna run a disc brake on the axle. Maybe an internal roll bar/cage. I was planning on changing the wheels and tires anyway.

Be careful with roll cage. If you think there is any chance getting upside down then assure belts will hold you below roll cage even when stretched. Other wise roll bar can place localized pressure and result in injury

To add onto what TJ said, if you want to go fast (2 engines), I would NOT do it with this kart. If you’re able to fab something up, you’ll be spending a lot of time fixing it when it breaks. Additionally, you’re likely risking injury to yourself or whomever else drives it.

Thanks guys now I’m thinking a nice 5 point seat belt is definitely necessary! I’m looking at engines, I want to run two belt driving each rear wheel. The problem I’m having is finding an engine a ‘mirror image’ of the one on the left. I want things semitrical and balanced as much as possible. Is there a way to run two engines on both sides ? Thanks for the tips!

My other option is running a single engine driving the axle in the middle…i really like the idea of two though. Thanks again!

Tj, you don’t want to be strapped into this thing if it crashes. The fastest karts in the world don’t have seat belts. It’s better to be tossed out and let the kart go flipping and rolling without you in it.

I’d be super cautious about trying to make this fast. The body is of unknown material and isn’t designed to break apart like an actual racecar. I worry about the body work becoming like flying knives.

That being said it is very, very cool and with some love could be a very fun show piece. Maybe there’s a kid kart engine that would work well, keeping it sub 20mph?

I think in South America somewhere they race karts with Racecar like bodywork, however. But is designed for the application (racing at speed).

YouTube resto rabbit hole:

And, let us not forget “Traction Park”. They were actively trying to kill us 80s kids. Here’s their Lola’s.

So cool!

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I love those fat slicks and the headache roll bar set up. Is there a way to mount a single engine in the
middle with a belt drive ?..80’s was one of the best times to grow up! (That picture says it all!) Thank you for the video too!

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The stuff we did… shudder. But yeah you are right, we were blessed to grow up in those times.

Did you know that something like 99% of kids who live within 1 mile of school are driven to school today?

As soon as I could self-ambulate my parents sent me off on the bike/skateboard and said “be back at 6:30”. Heady times indeed.

Let’s go smoke unfiltered camels and play lawn darts sometime. (I did manage to quit the smoking part fortunately).

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I found my first pack on my walk home in 9th (unfiltered lucky strikes). I eventually quit smoking unnatural stuff.
Any idea where I can source those wheels/tires?
How would I go about rebuilding these brakes?
I’m guessing these wires went to a starter solenoid (the run from a switch on the steering wheel and back to the engine.
Lawn darts are before my time (new at least) I was made in '85 will really '84 I guess…
Is this throttle linkage replaceable or can I order a new set up?
The throttle and brake are operated via hand levers (like bike brakes) on the steering wheel.
I ordered new cables and levers, now I need to figure out what to do with these brakes and throttle cables.
The shaft for the motor is 3/4" . Any idea where I can find a good engine? I was thinking two would look good and add balance but also a lot of weight and that would make stopping a challenge. Any idea where that picture was taken?

I found this engine. Looks good but will it work? Should I get a new clutch?

Do I need to find an engine with a little groove to accommodate for the snap ring?
Is that an old style clutch needing a snap ring there ?

I’m surprised Homeland Security hasn’t intervened on this thread :joy::joy::joy:


Are you near any of the old “Malibu Grand Prix” locations? It looks like it might have been one of the kid versions of their karts? https://www.facebook.com/MGPOKC/?_rdr

I’m “only” 37, but I remember the one we used to have out here near me in Redwood City, CA. I think it closed in 2013.

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Ha! I went there with my wife!

I don’t think the one he’s working on in this thread is that. Those were designed to go reasonably quick and were beefier. It’s like @tjkoyen says, it looks like it was a fun kart that wasn’t meant to go much more than 5-10mph.

This gentleman explains the 4 generations of Malibu Grand Prix Virage cars. They have significantly more engineering involved.

And here is an actual one being driven by an enthusiast in 2013.

“Hey there, Mr. Schaefer!”… Grid talk be grid talk no matter what we drive!

The tracks are ridiculously serpentine, presumably to prevent folks from getting up into the powerband. Absolutely no straights. Safer that way. They must have had some moments in their early locations and decided, “Wellp, we’ve invested in bespoke vehicle design, no turning back. Instead of ditching the 400cc engines, how about we just make em turn constantly?”

Belated congrats on the 52.8 to Mr. Donn Lasher. You rock!

Google finds some interesting things…

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Thanks for the video(s)! Will that motor work with the original clutch or should I measure things and order another.
I think the original engine was an 80 and dated '92 or maybe it’s just an older ‘restoration’.
I want to find those wheels and tires!

Sadly I am but a mere pilot who doesn’t wrench at all. I rely on the pros for that stuff so I can’t answer mechanical questions. However the 15hp engine you posted is probably way too much for that chassis. Like TJ said, it’s a fun, toy kart. The standard 9hp rental kart engine is probably overkill too. You’d likely be looking at something smaller but I don’t know squat about the various low hp offerings.

I think you might find better help looking for restoration-mod forums that have experience in these projects. Our focus here tends to be on race karts which are a bit different. There are some racers, however, who dabble in this sort of stuff so you might get lucky.

Maybe Bobs 4-Cycle has some expertise lurking in their forums?

I found a 7.5hp cheapo (so I can invest in some wheels and tires. It’s 100 on Amazon but idk about the clutch working or not. I’ll try another forum on her for that. Do you know of a used cart part place online?

I doubt there are any big dealers for parts for this thing, as noted it’s like an amusement park ride so not really meant for public use I’m guessing.

In case it hasn’t been mentioned, this forum doesn’t really cater to this kind of vehicle (I hesitate to even call it a kart) so I don’t know how much we will be able to help you with the restoration. We are mainly a race kart forum. But we often get guys like you dropping by with fun karts or other similar projects so we try to help when we can.