6 Hours of NY with Rebel Scum and Shake and Bake

We went racing
REBEL SCUM: Elias, Andre, Dom, Mark

Andre managed to get us p2 quali. We then were p2 for a bit and then got p1 when the team ahead got flagged. We eventually had 3 lap lead but lost it all at our final kart swap when we got a dog and ended up losing spots. Ultimately 9th. Ah, kart lottery!

SHAKE N’ BAKE: Vanya, Randall, Nik, Andre

An amazing day… perfect weather and we had two teams there!

I’ll let @nikspeeds and @RandallC fill us in as to the nature and extent of their shenanigans up the OVRP way.

A video in 360 of my part of the quali heat, for those who wish to see how pretty it is there:

A video of the practice heat before the race and before I had GoPro issues:

If a picture is worth a thousand words, here’s a race novel:

In time I shall add videos that are of little interest to those not racing!


Fun was had! The hour and ten minute stint was a good test for how my weight training has been helping haha. Frustrating to lead for almost the whole race until a slow kart dragged us back.

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I feel a win soon. The stars will align kart wise.

Nice photo montage!
Bummer about the POS kart.

Well we made up for it in weather!

So perfect! Also, we did have a good kart for 2/3 so we were allowed to feel hopeful, which is nice. Someday our ship comes in and we get 3 solid ones.

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Hehe so Chris uses yellow keep out tape to indicate pit stops. I managed to wreak havoc with my 360 Cam top mount with unicorn. It kept getting caught.

Andre does a Le Mans start and then drives for an hour:

Dom then hops in the kart:

Elias has a go

@AndreLafond How are you, of all people, not going to use the TaG line through T3? It’s so OP :pinched_fingers:

:thinking: hmm. How does the tag line look?

These karts are super weird. When I tried running the wider and later entry, the front end wasn’t there. And didn’t have enough power to make up the time on exit.

Some thumbnails


Great racing with you guys! I’m not going to answer that tag line question, it was easy pickins racing on the faster line :smiley:

Thanks for racing! What kart number did you guys have and how did it go?

Press F to pay respects

Here is Max’s heroic final run. While it was a Gopro and thus fundamentally problematic, it will be missed.

Perhaps it’s time to try the insta360 4 that was just released:

Higher resolution, better low light performance.

However… Next-gen hero Max is imminent and I have a sub, a broken camera, and a 100 trade up. I get the impression Gopro isn’t very healthy as a company, however. But, they do have the best ecosystem and their hardware is mostly excellent!


I’ll put shorts here

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Nice pics ! Wish I was there :frowning:

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Kart 911, I was the driver in red. Similar story to yours, good first half, bad kart 2nd half. Ended up 5th in our class (semi-pro).

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Me too! We must Team Baguette again, but this time in Europe.

Elias decided to turn over a new leaf and complete a race without getting charged with battery. Here is an example of his thoughtful driving which results in a positive outcome.