I don’t have all of the historical documents. I’m supposed to take possession of a lot of stuff at some point in time.
I started with SIRA as a participant in 1996. We raced with them a number of years, I went and did the young adult stuff for a while and came back to racing and the club in 2017.
Some of this is research conjecture.
Southern Indiana Racing Inc was legally formed in Indiana in 1969 as a busniess.
Southern Indiana Racing Association was formed in 1975 as a non-profit from the previous named entity.
They’ve continually operated for over 50 years at tracks, parking lots, street races and so on.
There was a rift shortly after my original departure in the mid-late 2000’s between groups of racers. Indy Karting Series was formed due to “we should do it this way” or some such thing. The series ran against each other for a number of years. I’m not sure how long this went on, but it was over before I came back. SIRA won the battle of longevity and lives on while IKS is just a fond memory for folks.
In 2020, we almost died. Covid, pandemic, lock downs, oh my. Towns freaking out about the thing caused races to be cancelled. They managed to have three events. They survived and had a good 2021 and 2022.
2023… Ah, the year of insurance massacring street races and putting places out of business. They pulled one street race exception and two track races off and survived again… barely…
Hey, Burpo, no one wants to do this… We’re all pretty much done because we’ve been doing it for decades… If you don’t do it, we’re going to end up shutting down.

Burpo is elected new SIRA President at the rules meeting attended by eight whole people.