Hi what camera would be best for kz to get full pov and where to mount? Any suggestions and experiences appreciated
Example of a great view
Hi what camera would be best for kz to get full pov and where to mount? Any suggestions and experiences appreciated
Example of a great view
That appears to be a chin mount and some sort of gopro on the wide setting.
Looks to me like there’s some color grading in post production.
@nikspeeds think there’s ND in use here?
I personally am a fan of the max lens mod which increases field of view to about 120 degrees. I have not tried it with a chin mount.
The issue is that many series mandate where the camera has to be mounted. I think in the states pro type racing it has to be mounted on kart using a bracket in a specific place.
In my casual rental races we can helmet mount or whatever.
Hero 12 with max lens mod helmet mounted. Not chin.
Hero 11 chin mounted normal lens:
It does look like a chin mount as our neck nuggets are good at damping vibration. Make sure you can run a helmet\chin mount as not all organizers allow this.
For the camera itself, I guess it’s hard to know for sure. Maybe see if you can contact the creator?
Looks like some post processing but I don’t think ND filter, just because there’s almost no blur in the edges of the frames if you pause the video at various points at 60fps.
This one of mine does use ND.
OP, if you’re interested, all my camera settings and attachments are always listed in my video descriptions.
I’ve played with a lot of different settings so there’s a good variety in there both indoor and outdoor.
I think if buying a camera, like James said, how you can mount it depends on where/what series you race. However, your best bet CAM wise is pretty much whatever is current from GoPro, Insta or DJI Osmo.
In terms of 360 cams, avoid the Hero Max until they refresh it. The Insta 360 seems to be the current best 360 cam.
The nice thing with Hero 13 is the new lens mods. The New Insta 360 Ace Pro 2 has upgraded chip and higher resolution (Hero 13 doesn’t upgrade chip to 8K).
I personally dont see the draw of 8K but in time will likely be relevant. For me, the GoPro ecosystem is the most fleshed out, with nice accessories and lens mods, mounting solutions, etc.
If on a budget, the cams 1-2 generations back are a nice value. Hero12 is now on sale for 299 I think since 13 came out.
to get pretty footage like the video you linked you need a 4K 60Fps setting, which is standard for these cams these days. Youtube will crush your footage with its lower quality compression codec if you upload in 1080, so dont. Even if you shoot in 1080, when making the video upscale to 4K to get the nice codec so your vids look good when uploaded to YouTube.
Tried my Hero 3 Silver which has been collecting dust for a few years. That camera is from when there wasn’t any built in stabilization, and boy, it sure shows…I nearly got sick trying to watch the footage for a few minutes, lol.
As a result, just ordered a Hero 13 black. (thanks for the thread guys, it really helped me figure out what to get, and the settings advice will be very welcome as well)
Yeh stabilization is a must and was arounf hero 5ish. Got really good with 7+.
Id run 4k 60fps outdoors. Highest bitrate setting. Set all the thinking to auto but have color be natural as opposed to gopro (too poppy historically).
Indoors I drop to 24fps.
Why drop to 24fps on indoors?
light. gopros are fixed aperture. the only variables for exposure are ISO (Sensitivity) and shutter speed.
Further, I shoot with the max lens mod 2.0 which steals about 1 f-stop. I also shoot with max hyperview, which also steals about 1 stop.
someone shooting with a normal lens would maybe even be ok at 60fps. wed have to ask @nikspeeds .
Thanks, now reaching for my book of photography/videography terms to understand everything you said.
Basically 24 fps lets in more light than 60 and touch more than 30. So, given my setup that makes it darker, I get nicer results
My next buy is going to be the Osmo Action 5 to replace the Hero 8, still chin mount. To be fair, I still have the Cambox, and while the form factor is great, the poor software, battery life and quality make it a poor choice.
It looks fine at 60 without hyperview (other settings unchanged). But I still prefer 24 for the more cinematic feel. 60 makes everything look slow.
Hijacking this thread just to say that I got a DJI Osmo Action 4 adventure pack for 240 euros instead of 400 euros @Bimodal_Rocket
Nice discount! What do you think? I am told that they are better in low light.
DJI also does a wide lens mod.
Been running the Gopro 12 and 13 Blacks and love them. 1080p 60fps Auto boost Superview. Look at our youtube channels ( K1 Racer & K1 Racer Girl ) Mostly run inside and outside when weather is good…
I haven’t received them yet, but considering I will be coming from a GoPro 8, I expect a nice boost in everything lol
We will see next week when I drive shifter in Franciacorta …
What would be the reason(s) to avoid the GoPro Max?
The issue is that it loses stabilization when it makes a new chapter…
GoPros record in “chunks”. The session you record consists of 1 or more chapters of about 8mins in length. (This varies based upon resolution/frames).
When you get home and download your footage, the files look like this:
Those three files are the total session when then gets stitched together in the edit or if you upload to cloud, it becomes 1 file.
With all their other camera the stabilization persists from chapter to chapter.
With the hero MAX it does NOT.
Which means that when it goes to chapter 2… the footage becomes wobbly and unusable (unless you want to be nauseous).
This is a bug they never fixed.
However, presumably, the imminent new version won’t have this issue.
You can use GoPro Labs to force it to use the “large chapter size”. This increases the chapters to about 12mins at 4k. But doesn’t eliminate the issue.
The insta 360 is a newer, better option for 360cam at present.
Gopro also has non existent support. All web based and they simply don’t acknowledge it.