Getting to grips with hand position

Is that your Kart @NikG? Noticed the Nodtune sticker on the rad. I had a Maxter FA from Don some time around 2001. Badass motor.

Yep that’s me, I ran nodtune pretty much my entire Karting career. I ran maxter in the UK but I was topkart works driver so couldn’t run maxter there.

Pretty sure it was maxter on the inside though.

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I love this idea and I think you should invite all your Karting buddies to post a pic this topic :slight_smile:

@KartingIsLife was it one of these?

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Nah I had an aircooled. It was the last aircooled iteration rotary. It didn’t scream like my DSD but it pulled better on low to mid, high mid.

I’ve slowly worked from dirt track style low rider to 10/2

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11:2 shifter !

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