Has Kartpulse Sold Out?

I’ve had a couple instances where I open on mobile and I’ll see one ad at the top of the page; however, once I refresh the ad goes away.

Getting ads on iOS, “rent a quad in Malaga”, “Learn to speak Korean”, but nothing on MacOS.

Today, no ads at all.

Paid subscription? To access the forum or to get a discount code (and some free stuff)?

Akchooly a paid kp sub would work for me as a way to give back. I’d rather not have ads.

Discount code and some merch included with the sub. Not paid access. But we could create an inner circle thing.

No luck. 4 ads on the front page. Google wants me to workout more, buy a mini bike, and stalk people. Would love to see the data of what kinda person Google thinks I am.

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Personally I wouldn’t want to create an inner circle, there’s enough elitism in karting as it is.


Yeah that’s fair. It’s not how I looked at it, but really there’s not much need for it anyway.

Anyone seeing ads today? I hope not because I’m out of ideas on what to try and I cannot for the life of me repeat the problem with this new account I setup to test it…

No ads today but it says this is your first time on forum.

Welcome James!

Welcome to the community James! Do you mind putting your location in your bio so we can better help you?

Edit: awww sh*t @Bimodal_Rocket beat me to it

I can almost guarantee he’s beyond help :laughing:

Today’s ads (note that my ads were usually at the top of the page and now they’re sprinkled between posts:

Will be sure to pass along any stock tips that come from these ads :joy:

Yeah this is super weird… Just now as I was trying different trust levels for your account it showed ads on your admin profile page as I changed it :hushed:

So yeah. We have I bug here I guess, or two.

I did add ads between the posts yesterday after I figured out a setting I missed.

Not sure if its relevant, but I have not seen a single Ad even after logging out/in several times. Running a PC on Windows 8.1 and Chrome browser.


You might have an ad blocker somewhere along the line.

Honestly, it’s not an issue. Frankly, I’m glad to see the site growing. Only good for the sport.


Just checked, no ad blockers only 3rd party cookie blockers.

Wow a bunch of ads every time I look at this thread. Dad joke.

Seriously, no ads. Using Chrome.

I’m getting ads when i first open the browser, but when i reload the page, it seems fine.

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