I don’t see any sushi platters and orchids.
Very nice build. I imagine that added a good deal,of weight. How does it handle with a single axle?
Also, any info on the electric? Thinking of adding lights and power to mine and looking for ideas.
Completely loaded with my tool box, kart, generator and all the other misc. spares it’s still around 2000-2200 lbs. It rides on a 3500lb axle and is no problem at all. My brother actually has an aluminum trailer that’s lighter with a 3500lb axle and his is light enough that it tends to hop around over bumps, mine seems to glide over them better.
Wish I had detail on the electric, It was optioned as part of the purchase so I didn’t do it separately. It’s a 30amp service with breaker box, 2 outlets, 2 LED lights and a light switch on the wall next to the door. I’ve had MULTIPLE electric things running off the service all at once including the compressor and never once popped a breaker.
Well I’m significantly poorer than I started the month. Sold the above trailer that was 20 years old and received only $160 less than what I bought it for 20 years ago. Had to buy a new one because my son graduated to an adult sized kart and it didn’t fit through the door without tilting it.
So the ministress of finances approved a full build out on a new trailer. Was hoping to get a 6x12 but just couldn’t source one locally for a reasonable price. The trailer market is crazy right now.
So we got a 6x10.
Current plans begin with paint. Rubber “diamond plate” flooring. E track in various spots. Led lights in the interior. Reverse lights/slash service lights using a double throw switch. Switching the 4 pin plug to 7 pin to take advantage of the reverse circuit and power circuit.
Love the extra height, haven’t smacked my head on the ceiling!!! The downside is it was a complete pain to get in my garage with the 8 foot opening.
Flooring in, floor etrack in. One wall etrack installed. Not really sure where to put the other few pieces of etrack height wise. The silver bolts on the black etrack bothers me.
Put garage epoxy on the ramp door with anti slip and flakes as I had it lying around. Not sure if I care for it. I could put the flooring on the ramp…I think I have enough, but wonder if it gets a bit more slick in rain.
Does hauling a trailer present any liability risks? Sort of a wierd question but I imagine it’s pretty easy to mis-drive a trailer when you don’t know what you are doing. Does this require some sort of rider to insurance policy?
I know my policy covers the liability but does not cover trailer replscement/ repair unless you have a rider.
Thanks. 20 characters
That depends on where you are.
Here in Oklahoma registering a trailer is optional, but generally required if you want to also insure it. Most people have a class D license, so less than 26,000 lbs total:
Non-Commercial License: A Class D license is given to persons at least 16 years of age who are eligible to drive a Class D non-commercial motor vehicle. Class D vehicles include any vehicle marked and used as a firefighting or law enforcement vehicle; designed and used solely as a recreational vehicle; is a single or combination vehicle with a GVWR of 26,000 lbs. or less; or is a single or combination vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 lbs. or more, and is used for agricultural purposes.
Ah. So a class d license is required in some states to haul a trailer?
A class D license is the lowest class, for normal auto and truck use. So… yes?
The higher classes allow you to drive/tow larger vehicles. But 26,000 lbs “should” be enough for most kart haulers.
Lol thanks. I assumed D was non standard. Reading comprehension is usually my strong point.
Ran the last 2 years with this open landscape trailer that you can see in the background.
Just upgraded to this beauty for next season, so I’ll definitely be spending this off season stalking the forum and stealing as many good ideas as I can.
The way I read it, the Class D is a non-commercial license (like is mention upthread). You’ll need the appropriate class CDL to pull a large trailer (big ones require class A CDL) or drive a truck >26001 lbs GVWR for hire (Class B CDL holder here). Hope I didn’t muddy the waters…
I live in Texas, and since my truck and trailer has a GCWR (Gross Combined Weight Rating) over 26,000 lbs, I need a class A license. However, since it is not commercial, I don’t need the CDL portion of it. I have the option to get what is called a Class A exempt license. I know each state is actually different on the the amount of weight you can tow before you need a Class A license.
And living in Texas, and California originally, a basic license is a Class C.
What, no Xbox? Your comfort game is strong, though.
Really nice trailer, and nice Ignite! Kind of want one myself, just trying to find a used one is hard, don’t wanna pay $4000 for a new kart yet
This is loaded with 3 karts have put alot more into trailer 25x8.5.
Cabinet up front top is Rags, First Aid, Hammocks for sleeping up to 5 with moving stuff around but usually 2 of us sleeping, Big fire extinguisher, Straps 3 and 1 inch.
Cabinet Below is 1 big space, Spare Bodywork, spare tires not on rack/stickers in bags and bead braker/RLV tire changer.
Left side, Nitrogen Bottle + Regulator, 56 inch Toolbox, 1 Tire rack for up to 3 sets of wheels/tires.
Right side, Tig Welder, Generator, spare tire fire extinguisher and back further 2 EZ Up canopies 10x10, 10x15 and another fire extinguisher.
E track in floor and walls
Anyone here towing three karts? I’m looking into how to do this in the smallest possible space. Not sure if a 6x10 or 6x12 could stack 3, or possibly 2 karts stacked with 1 mounted vertically in the rear?