If you’re seeing Ads (While logged in), Please Post Here

Thanks for keeping me updated.

I made a sleuth of updates to the forum software and the ads plugin during the week but it doesn’t seem to have helped.

So you’re seeing full page ads that stop between pages? I disabled those in google ads a couple of weeks ago. The issues I’ve seen so far have been more to do with the plug-in for the website.

Yesterday it would pop between pages and now i am getting ads on bottom of pages. I’m on android phone

@KartingIsLife I’m seeing half page ads on the bottom half and the top is black.

I just disabled the Cloudflare cache that sites between the server and browser… See if that helps.
If anyone sees an ad between pages which basically full screen stops your browsing, please share a screenshot. Those should be gone as of last week.

I’m getting them on my mobile device effective this morning. Apple device. Haven’t seen them previously and don’t get them on my PC via chrome.

Any changes today folks? I’m still seeing an occasional ad at the bottom of pages for some reason. But I’m more interested in what others are seeing…

For me, I just don’t get ads, ever, when logged in.

Just bottom of every page for me as well.

Edit: Spoke too soon. Bunch of them now lol

Right up top

Same as @fatboy1dh here

OK so I found some code that was manually entered in the theme (by yours truly, possibly while sleep deprived).

I removed it yesterday so hopefully, we are in good shape now?

One thing I noticed is that ads were still weird in the discourse hub app. So I’ve removed mine for now.