Karting Memes and Funnies

Sidepod left the chat

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Shibber + Reddit karting post

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he could try that ā€¦

Average k1 speed karting experience

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Well thatā€™s a committed punt. A+ for accuracy. Good thing he had all the grip he needed with those fresh tires.

This got me thinkingā€¦ have we collectively decided that ā€œgo-kartā€ is inaccurate name and that it should be just plain ā€œkartingā€?

Which got me wonderingā€¦: whatā€™s the origin to the name ā€œgo-kartā€?

Google Ai:
Learn moreā€¦

The term ā€œgo-kartā€ is credited to Duffy Livingston, a muffler shop owner in Los Angeles who manufactured and sold the machines under the name. However, the exact origin of the term is unclear. For example, the term may have first appeared in an 1885 painting by Scottish artist Hugh Cameron titled ā€œThe Go-Cartā€. Itā€™s also unclear why the ā€œCā€ was later changed to a ā€œKā€.

At the outset when I was getting started (97ish) the term gokart bothered me because it sounded like a toy vs racing machine. Now, from a kind of advocate\evangalist POV, I donā€™t really care too much. GoKart is definitely a more common term in the US vs europe for competition kartingā€¦ Which makes sense given the termā€™s origins here.

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Thatā€™s been my thinking as well. Go-kart evokes the rental concession jobbies. Which is sort of a problem. You donā€™t really want people thinking of karts a kid toys but there we have it.

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Found this from instagram. Facepalmā€¦


Even in kartingā€¦. Iā€™ve always wondered why the cars you see this happen too never just pull over and give up. I assumed that a flipped hood a kart wouldnā€™t be a big deal, but apparently Iā€™m wrong. That would be a race finisher and I doubt you could just rip it off mid raceā€¦.speaking of whichā€¦

Whatā€™s the general rule about debris? If your kart loses the part, but you are capable of still racing, do your nonetheless get black flag because kart no longer conforms? In club stuff no one cares and you continue if safe in my experience.

I think in most Club and Series Races they give you the Meatball flag. Due to Insurance Regs, things like Fairings and Side-Pods are considered Safety Components and the loss of either means you have to exit the track. The Meatball Flag is brought up at every pre-race meeting at our local club.



Oh no. Are you OK? That looks nasty

Nahh that aint mine. Just saw it on the insta.

Anytime I ran grippy tyres


Your face in an FSA :laughing:

From IG

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Hearing James and Rob discuss engines made me think of this:

Found this karting channel who aims at younger people, he has more videos like this

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