KartPulse Compound at the Rock Island Grand Prix 2023

I only count 13. :grin:

No vintage, no Ignite, no TaG 125, and no ROK/Honda.

I’ll probably only run Masters/Heavy 1/Heavy 2, tho. I want to be able to enjoy the day a bit…

I don’t think I’ll haul out a shifter…

@Bimodal_Rocket Typically I think RIGP does some practice and heats on Saturday followed by a warmup and finals on Sunday.

@fatboy1dh - As mentioned to you yesterday, Riley and I will be there spectating and would be available to lend a hand if needed to you and the group.

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Entered today and booked one “premium” 20x20 pit spot. I’m not opposed to expanding for the kartpulse compound if needed and if available. I’m not too worried about the fee, I just don’t want to hog a spot unnecessarily.

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Yo what time machine did you use to register for the 2021 race :joy:

Bahahaha, nice catch… I emailed @Roger_Ruthhart

These street races look like a ton of fun. Even the idea of racing in front of a crowd that isn’t just there because they are dragged along by another driver or the business of kart racing is pretty cool.

Serious question that I hope is not a buzzkill… for those that have done a lot of these races, do you feel any less safe on these street courses then on the typical purpose-built racetrack? In my case, sending my 10YO out there to let it rip? Are there particularly good or less good events/locales in this regard?

Maybe that question should be in a different thread.

James claims he’s building a ‘dyno,’ but that’s just a cover. In the dead of night, away from prying eyes, he runs it backwards, and look out. :joy:


I think I’ll be going to the event to watch if I can, I’m not in a position to race it but it’s an event I’ve always wanted to go to.

@1pieceatatime I’m not super stoked on running kids at street races. RIGP is Senior/Masters only, which is really how I think these true street races should be. The parking lots are fine, but I feel like I always hear about street racing horror stories that kids don’t need to be a part of.

From everything I have been told it’s considerably more dangerous. No runouts, walls, etc.

Are you suggesting that his flywheel is so massive he can bend space and time with it?

Safety is such a personal thing and I find it hard to simply put it down to just “typical sprint track” vs “street racing” because there are outliers in both.

I think it’s fair to say that street racing increases the likelihood of collision with solid, somewhat movable objects (ie tecpro barriers). Where you would run wide on a kerb at a sprint track, you’re running wide onto a barrier. The surface is less uniform than a track which adds some spice too.

Tell you what though, there are few moments in my life that I felt more alive than the first laps of the shifter race when I ran there around 2012. I’d put it up there with the time I did aerobatic stuff in an Extra 300.

The rock is unforgiving but awesome. As for having juniors there, again that’s a hard one. For me, it would depend on the driving standards.

I’m not really at liberty to say. You just have to look at the evidence and draw your own conclusions. :wink:

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Warps by
Energy in


Well now that you put it that way, he is clearly a wizard.

I’ve seen more worse wrecks at New Castle than I have at street races. There’s normally way more respect at a street race.

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There’s not enough evidence to make an accurate comparison either way. Two sides: Us street racers will always defend it and track racers will always say it is more dangerous. The only thing I would agree with is that the perception from the karting population is that street racing is “more dangerous”.


It’s a stretch goal (Emphasis stretch goal), but I’d like to have the mobile dyno ready to bring to the RIGP.

Wanna shoot some content?

I just realized I have a conflict over that weekend, I just took a new job and have to be in Portland. Hopefully it’s back next year!

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I know my parts bills have been higher at track races. :rofl:

What gearing (to start) and clutches are in fashion for the rock? I’m guessing standing starts might play a part in clutch selection?

Hilliard flame 2 black 2 white no weights.

I’ll have to dig for gearing.