Thanks TJ.
If you will recall, in a prior build, I got stuck at 56.10.
The issue was the tire change and what it did to the entry to the two 180 cutback turns (4 and 5?).
I too had issues where I just was not able to get the kart to behave on entry.
What I ended up doing, which is likely technically incorrect, is rolling the corners. Specifically I am trying to slow down just enough to roll the corner at max lateral grip without sliding. I then try to time this such that the throttle application coincides with the mass coming off the nose as I release. Despite the fact that throttle is gradual, it’s also very careful in it’s application. The timing of throttle is key because if you are slightly early or late, your revs are dead.
Instead of a hard brake + rotate, I am braking lighter a bit earlier and carrying it like a trail. I release brake and blend in throttle VERY carefully.
The idea is ultra gentle high speed roll. It works for me and gets me sub 21 for s2.
Ideally, a later brake which catches rubber and aggressively rotates kart as back wheels grab rubber works even better but it’s not as repeatable for me.
That which is separating me from the best drivers is s3. I can get down to 16.0x there. It’s just not reliable. While I have a good line, there’s more to it than line.
My fast s3 feel different. There’s a loose, free and slippery quality to them that, I think, begins with how you toss it in from below. I know that I need to moderate Bobby corner to figure this out.
I think, like everywhere else on track, the fast line can’t be rushed. The preceding chicane (6-7) is a great example of that. Earlier give up allows you to accel dramatically through. It’s likely the same with Bobby entry.
Also, try 9-62 gearing.
“It’s pretty interesting how effective flicking the wheel can be in the fast corners.”
I have been trying to tone it down. The game seems to respond well to my handsiness but it should be possible to do all this “correctly”.