@tjkoyen I was thinking about you recently… I once said something about not braking in S1…
The turn into bridge can be pre-rotated and no braking is involved. This is good enough for 19.00 S1 and possibly lower. I have gotten down to legit 18.85 there but not sure if braking.
That being said, braking a very slight amount to help back end around is likely better. I do both, depending upon my horoscope. But I recall you were skeptical about this turn minus braking. So, proof of concept, but I still think you are correct.
Re: Huge inputs. Yep. That’s what everyone tells me. I kinda doubt I do that IRL but maybe I am handsy there too. I kind of go back and forth. You will see me being precise in some turns but wilder in others. I am not sure why. Whats really important is what going on with my footsies in context of the hand stuff.
I find that the game is more foot than hand controlled.
Also, there is an ideal line. I call it the power line. It is basically the line described by the rubber. If you ride this line at the correct speed, all sorts of interesting things happen and you get hooked in.That’s neither here nor there but I have ridden this line, or parts of it, many a time. On this line, there are almost no hand movements. I aspire someday to try to complete a fast lap in this manner.
Also, re: big hand movements: To explain a bit. I’m not always committing those hand movements to a turn. I am often “pushing” against the resistance to try and “feel” grip. The sawing is me trying to feel where the resistance is on point and will hold the load. I am not sure if that helps at all. The actual turn part comes when I find the resistance I want and tip the car over.