KartPulse KartKraft Throwdown Season 1

@tjkoyen I was thinking about you recently… I once said something about not braking in S1…

The turn into bridge can be pre-rotated and no braking is involved. This is good enough for 19.00 S1 and possibly lower. I have gotten down to legit 18.85 there but not sure if braking.

That being said, braking a very slight amount to help back end around is likely better. I do both, depending upon my horoscope. But I recall you were skeptical about this turn minus braking. So, proof of concept, but I still think you are correct.

Re: Huge inputs. Yep. That’s what everyone tells me. I kinda doubt I do that IRL but maybe I am handsy there too. I kind of go back and forth. You will see me being precise in some turns but wilder in others. I am not sure why. Whats really important is what going on with my footsies in context of the hand stuff.

I find that the game is more foot than hand controlled.

Also, there is an ideal line. I call it the power line. It is basically the line described by the rubber. If you ride this line at the correct speed, all sorts of interesting things happen and you get hooked in.That’s neither here nor there but I have ridden this line, or parts of it, many a time. On this line, there are almost no hand movements. I aspire someday to try to complete a fast lap in this manner.

Also, re: big hand movements: To explain a bit. I’m not always committing those hand movements to a turn. I am often “pushing” against the resistance to try and “feel” grip. The sawing is me trying to feel where the resistance is on point and will hold the load. I am not sure if that helps at all. The actual turn part comes when I find the resistance I want and tip the car over.

Yeah I do low 19s in S1. I’ll have to try not braking for T1 and see how that goes I guess.

When we talk about learning chassis or driving things in the sim vs. real life, this is sort of where those lessons can fall apart. Obviously the driving styles needed in the sim vary a bit from real life, as you wouldn’t go into a corner like that in real life without some braking, and jacking the wheel around wouldn’t yield such good results. Some lessons are applicable, but even KK isn’t quite right yet.

One of the early complaints on the physics from earlier builds was it really rewarded a driving style where you just flicked and pitched the kart around every corner.

Nonetheless, it’s the best tool we have at the moment, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun.

Yes. It is a delight.

And, while its imperfect, it is close enough.

I carry what I learn here into my IRL driving. It really, really helps.

I do not advocate attempting to emulate my brakeless S1. It’s probably not correct at all. And, a tiny bit of brake is faster, it just is.

Re: CRG: It’s not tuned other than setting the ride height to low and the gearing to 20-14. I may have set front torsion bar different. I can check if interested. I have kind of decided that if there’s a tune that works out there, great, but It doesn’t seem to matter as hugely as in real life.

Edit: Thats amp gearing, sorry. Think I’m at 70-10 for pfi.

Was it the Club 100 Super GT video guy? He is pretty handsy. Or so I hear. Can’t think of any others that are handsy.

I believe so. Snaps the steering toward apex in almost every turn, but was able to carve through the field. Probably more comfortable doing that on someone else’s kart. I can’t imagine it helps with tire life.

There was some discussion about him on Reddit. I’m not sure what they concluded but it seems to work for him.

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CLUB100 use YDS tyres so pretty rock hard. Also the way the karts are set up is on the understeer side because complete noobs have to circulate as well. So driving style wise you will see a tend towards this kind of thing. Get in the quick karts with grip and it’s a different story.

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Recently I tried a shifter kart with 200% force feedback on a fanatec. All I can say is ow

My pal Tanguy just bought a DD and his exercise plan is basically driving at 100% ffb. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is who I spoke of:

Ok so this is probably a lot more interesting to me than you but here goes…

Last night I tried both versions (braking/no braking) and was able to first try produce two versions within a few hundredths.

It’s two different lines. The no brake line is a flowing one-piece modulation of throttle. It dips a bit more left before fluidly turning down and out. It’s longer travel, basically. Think more of a sideways S. You get lightly on throttle very early. You never lifted fully. But it’s very careful throttle on bridge. Very easy to bind up kart’s turn with accel. You don’t want any understeer.

The brake version rotates the kart at turn in. You point the kart. It is shorter travel. It’s more of an L shape, almost a wide V.

It, however, forces a more angled attack to the apex on the far side of the bridge. This can result in carrying too much speed wide on exit. You can lose time trying to get the kart straightened out past apex.

I think that the brake version is likely the fastest but would have to find the right rotation and orientation for the exit.

EDIT: The answer is braking is better. Today I ran 18.80 with braking as well as 5-6 other 18.8X. Best I could do with no braking is 18.98 once and usually 19.0-19.2.

S1: 19.097
S2: 20.899
S3: 16.189

A significant step closer to sub 56. The past couple days have been interesting as I started to get very, very consistent. Up a few spots in world ranking to 17 and knocking on my pal Tanguy’s time, now.

Gearing is 10-68 I believe. I don’t think this is ideal. I changed from 10-70 downwards to try to match his speed at start finish. I think he’s hitting 118kph. I get to 116, which was enough. I think it’s probably too much top end. I’ll see what the next guy looks like.

I found a new way to take the S2, big, round turns, and drove the wheels off that sector. I started to dip under 21s pretty frequently, until it stuck. These are giant, gentle trails that waste no momentum.

S1 is a disappointment. Its pretty weak for this neighborhood. I landed many 18.8x’s today, but none in a truly fast lap.

S3 is pretty quick. No complaints. I am lucky to get ones that have hustle and this one is very fast. Still not sure exactly what I am doing right. Much to learn, here, still.

To do: Land a sub 19 S1, with a sub 21 S2, and a 16.1X S3. Easy peasy. I have done each of these things individually many times. :crazy_face:

Cool to see how everyone has evolved their times over the course of this thread. I’m on KartKraft as Muskabeatz, but since I do not have a wheel setup I am stuck using a PS4 controller for the foreseeable future.

Hoping to see more tracks soon, as well as an eventual multiplayer release, though it seems like development is going slower than originally planned.

@Muskabeatz You are pretty damn fast with a controller. I have no idea how you pull that off. Em/ Worship.

You, me and TJ are pretty close. That Samuel Liebert guy is an alien, BTW. I think he drove/drives for Renault sim team. Or something. Tanguy is also French and knows him from Iracing Formula Renault. He’s not on this leaderboard but I think he’s the first alien to show up. It would be cool if we get the fastest people.

I think it’s just 5 guys making the game. Pretty amazing they got this far. I really hope this takes off. It’s too good a sim to die.

Okay new guy here how do you save/upload replays so someone else can see them?

In this game specifically? Are you on pc? Both nvidia and AMD have built in recording software. One is called Radeon ReLive and the other is Nvidia GeForce Experience, I think.

I use the Nvidia software that is built into its video card software package. This creates a file that can then be viewed, edited with the built in windows software, and put up on youtube.

for relive, I think the default to record screen is Alt+Z. For Nvidia, Alt+Z brings up the overlay which is then self explanatory.

Moving Day

S1: 19.016
S2: 20.911
S3: 16.233

Hehe. Almost the same as last “ding”. But that consistency and speed of the last two sectors is encouraging. I’m trying to roll better momentum, asking the tire to do more and trying to be smarter about when I’m coming off brake and how/when into gas.
Now, if I could just pair this with a fast S1, I’d be content.

Screaming fast lap! Mind sharing setup notes?

I think TJ mentioned this previously, but it’s crazy how much steering input you use. Either way, it’s definitely fast! Seems like you’re able to get good rotation mid-corner, as well as a decent exit. Where I am currently, I feel like I’m compromising for one or the other. One of the recent updates seemed to really dumb down the “auto-correct” when using a game pad, which makes it a bit more difficult to control the kart mid-corner.

Torsion bar at 50% (I did this arbitrarily and I stuck with it)
Gearing is 10-68
Ride Height: Low
I set brakes at 85%
Everything else is stock.

The philosophy I am going with, is maximizing roll and being extremely careful (and sparing) with brakes. Really try to manage momentum and ride in the slip angle 100% of the time. No tire noise. No wasting forward momentum. Ride in the rubber.

Probably the exact opposite of Shifter. I am making the 4 and 5 very round and wide. Trying to let the speed slightly trail off with gentle braking and catching the mass right as it shifts off the nose. No V.

I modulate throttle at bridge. My fastest S1 involve a pause to exit bridge. I can’t go flat through here and have a fast straight.

Slight brake right at bridge entry to rotate and go nuclear fast but that exit requires you give up a moment and take a breath before diving out.

6-7 is tricky. I go from being insanely fast to total crap here. But, it seems to reward giving up a bit on entry to push through with building throttle.

I frequently rush too fast through Bobby… what comes next requires a very specific line (flow?) to really hustle. Be patient. If your acceleration coming up into and over the bowl feels “free”, like you are skating and there’s no tire resistance, you should accelerate out very nicely indeed.


It seems to be working, as progress is being made. I am trying to bring the hands craziness down a bit. Here’s a dirty 56.110 that is as fast as I went yesterday. This has a good S1 and very fast S3. Big screw up in chicane prior to Bobby corner but then I pull on him at finish.

This (dirty) S3 @ 16.02 appears to be the fastest on the leaderboard or at least the same as the fastest. It’s a very weird feeling having accomplished that.

I remember when I first started hotlapping PFI when TJ started the tread. I remember seeing his S3 time and being baffled as to how he was that quick through S3. Nothing a few thousand laps can’t fix. I keep wondering, though, what a karter of TJ’s caliber could accomplish in KK, if the desire to do what I have done, were to sweep over him.

I can’t help but feel there’s more here. Someone has a 15.X in their quiver, just waiting. That bobble going into 6-7 cost me sub 56. :scream: I got dis, though.

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Now we’re talking!

Landed a new fastest lap on new gearing. Not my best driving, but overall pretty solid. All sectors very fast, but not my fastest.

I feel like I have started to understand S3 a lot better but I am still not entirely sure about the entry to the bowl.There’s a few ways to go up and in, and the way that is best is a bit tricky to find. I suspect the answer lies in charging Bobby less hard and getting back into gas without letting the wheel down early.

There’s a bobble in this lap, headed out of the 6/7 chicane, before Bobby. In general, though, while there’s rough edges on this lap, the bones are good.

S1: 18.978
S2: 21.026
S3: 16.080
Lap: 56.084

Nice work. I doodled around with different approaches to the first sector, and can pretty consistently get 19.0s there now. It’s pretty interesting how effective flicking the wheel can be in the fast corners. My weakness is the hairpins. I can’t consistently find the braking point and almost always over-rotate at apex. If I could clean those up I would be right with you I think Dom. My final sector is money.