[Live Video] KZ World finals In Wackersdorf

Curious, why was the paddle shift dropped.

Saturday live in 3hrs

Mercedes junior driver vs alpine junior driver in 1 team and front row. Crazy.

Im kinda curious, watching this WC, once youre out you cant go back to the track? Is that the rules here?

So far it looks like it’s been a tough go for AJ in the qualifying heats. Musser in Masters is further back than I expected also. Definitely some tough competition, as expected. Side note, interesting to see Marjin on a Birel with Vortex power. Usually only see Vortex engines on OTK karts over there it seems like.

Poor adoption from what I recall.

Begs why it wasn’t left in the regs as an option for anyone who would opt to use it.

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Just for reference

Art 25 2023 Karting Homologation :Sequential gearbox with a manual and mechanical gear shift mechanism, where the shift forks act directly on the gears. Seamless or other gearbox types are not allowed.

I suspect this is about controlling costs to some degree.

:neutral_face: not weird at all

KZ Masters stole the show. Fore Vs Manetti. Genuine needle.

For some insane reason the commentators seemed to be forced to mention Max Verstappen at the start of every KZ race. Not sure if they are trying to devalue the achievements of karters, who knows, but very annoying F1 bollocks as per usual from the FIA who really shouldn’t be in control of promotion of karting any more. They have absolutely nuked the direct drive classes, and they’ll dot he same to shifters, especially now the F1 juniors are turning up. They need to find someone else to do that kind of stuff. I know RGMCC are involved, but the direction is clear.

Wackersdorf not great for gearbox karting which I think contributed to the KZ mayhem a tad. not sure why it was picked. Some better circuits out there for the shifters.

Direction was a bit weird. I think they are deffo trying to improve the coverage which was good but it seemed a bit hit and miss. The start of the KZ final missed a lot. Occasionally they’d cut from the lead battle for no discernible reason other than to see someone retire and get weighed.

Dancing girls was also very weird and something I wouldn’t be surprised is picked up on in the mainstream.

Some good bits, some OK bits, some very bad bits.


Of course, but I thought the point of KZ1 was to allow for some latitude in that regard. Guess not.

Dancing was definitely weird. Trying to make a show out of it I guess, not sure if that’s the way to go.

I think as long as they keep running masters beside the kiddo classes and keep coverage going that’s as much as we can expect. I’m happy enough with that, shows adults race as hard if not harder than the young’uns.

Idea: Hire a magician next time for the half time show. Make an axle disappear into a hat or something.


The needle here on display. I don’t know what is being said… but more of this next year please.

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Well done by Fore. I’m not sure what Manetti expected to accomplish putting one wheel alongside around the outside. Pretty epic battle though, and goes to show the cream always rises to the top even 20 years later.



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All I heard in this convo was “:pinched_fingers:t2:


Vroom mentioned in a post that Fore is in his 50’s. I’m pretty sure he’s not quite 50 yet?

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49, according to his website.

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we are missing the first part of the convo…in this bit:
Fore’: you also pushed me
Manetti: you were on the inside (talking about the first contact, probably referring to prior part of the convo)
Fore’: you shoved me in turn 1
Manetti: where?
Fore’: turn 1

Who shoved who