MG Reds in LO206

106 posts were split to a new topic: New MG Red SH2 for 2024


I agree with you on the red vs orange for club racing. We switched to MG orange (from Blue) for this upcoming season at Concept Haulers Motor Speedway (Norway, IL). We had a lot of input on Red vs Orange. Most that voted for red were already racing a traveling series that already used the red. Most who only race club races, voted for orange. I am excited about this change in tires.

Tire scraping. At 6’3” 225, I wouldn’t run aluminum wheels if my life depended on it.


From simply a driving point of view I like the MG Reds the best since they don’t feel overgripped but they are nice to drive. The oranges are fine during the summer but on a cold or green track they really aren’t nice to drive and it’s really easy to slide into anyone around you.